
Capture the Queen

Mickdonedee wrote:

This puzzle includes an in-between move before the Black Queen is captured in 5 moves. The in-between move is necessary to mate sooner.

2. Qh4+ isn't necessary. You can play this and reach the same result one turn earlier.

2. Rc8c7 Qxc7 3. Qxc7+ Kf6 4. Rxf1

AbyssalSludge wrote:
Mickdonedee wrote:

This puzzle includes an in-between move before the Black Queen is captured in 5 moves. The in-between move is necessary to mate sooner.

2. Qh4+ isn't necessary. You can play this and reach the same result one turn earlier.

2. Rc8c7 Qxc7 3. Qxc7+ Kf6 4. Rxf1

There's a flaw with your line. Black can follow 2. Rc8c7 with RxRc1+. Then 3. KxR Qxc7+ 4. Qxc7+ Ke8. This forces a pawn endgame.

Mickdonedee wrote:
AbyssalSludge wrote:
Mickdonedee wrote:

This puzzle includes an in-between move before the Black Queen is captured in 5 moves. The in-between move is necessary to mate sooner.

2. Qh4+ isn't necessary. You can play this and reach the same result one turn earlier.

2. Rc8c7 Qxc7 3. Qxc7+ Kf6 4. Rxf1

There's a flaw with your line. Black can follow 2. Rc8c7 with RxRc1+. Then 3. KxR Qxc7+ 4. Qxc7+ Ke8. This forces a pawn endgame.

I think there's a flaw with your engine. Here's your idea of a bad move.


This shows the top engine moves for both White and Black. Both White and Black achieve 100% accuracy with these moves. According to the engine 2. ... Rf6 is equal best with Kd6. I just happen to prefer the line that includes the Black Rook blocking rather than the Black King evading the check. It just comes down to personal preference when choosing a line for the puzzle. The Black Queen is eventually captured in most lines by trading with a White Rook.


Capture the Black Queen in 5 moves.


Capture the Black Queen in 4 moves.


Capture the Black Queen in 6 moves.


Capture the White Queen in 7 moves.


Capture the Black Queen in 8 moves.


These puzzles aren’t good simply because they are not forced. They are only possible because of foolish moves made by the opposing player.


In many games I studied I found that Queens are traded off the board. However, I notice that some games high rated players don't trade Queens when they should. The engine picks that up as an inaccuracy. I look at the following moves to see if the engine finds a Queen capture. That's how most of the puzzles are created. I try to choose the line where the moves of both players are excellent or better. Most of the time the moves of both players rate over 90 accuracy. If some moves were foolish as you say wouldn't the engine score them as inaccuracies, mistakes or blunders? I don't put those kind of moves in my puzzles.


Capture the Black Queen in 6 moves.


Capture the Black Queen in 6 moves.


Capture the White Queen in 6 moves.


Capture the Black Queen in 7 moves.


Capture the Black Queen in 10 moves.


Queen to C7 looks solid.

R00KB4 wrote:

Queen to C7 looks solid.

More info, please. Which move?

Mickdonedee wrote:

Capture the Black Queen in 10 moves.

After 2. Ke7 you can play Qc7.