
Smooth Operation "Bay-1-T"

Renaissance.. once... upon a "bay1T" was "Sweetest" test
4 must leave, bye bye, bye bye, and all that is left is, but, Bay1T in black and white

Wow, that's an insanely smart solution! At first I thought we had to draw. Kh7 was especially surprising. I did not expect black to have good counterplay.


Nice one! Maybe my memory is wrong but didn't you have a similar one in the past?


Thank you my friends @BishopTakesH7 and @Aron_08 for commenting.

Firstly, YES black has a lots of defensive resources, also if white tries to keep his queen, yet black can create a so-called "fortress" with a rook + pawns and white will make no progress involving the king into the game and it will finally fizzle out in a draw.

Secondly, YES, this is a puzzle that I shared with you guys a couple of years ago. However I did not make a puzzle-form. And the reason I renaissance it here because I played a game where the mate-ing pattern resembled the ideas for this puzzle. I shared my game there and here is the link: "Sweetest taboos in the realm of chess". I must give you, Aron, compliments for remembering so far back in time. Salutes!

And I hope 2025 be the best year for both of you, my friends.

Much Obliged.