
the hardest chess puzzle, if you can solve, you are....genius!!!!

Arisktotle wrote:
adityasaxena4 wrote:

Why lose a queen for a rook when you can win the rook for free and promote to mate ?

Why not sac a queen when you can get 2 new ones, win the rook and checkmate much faster than by any other move?

But you already know that since you sneakily turned the board in your last diagram!

also , if you win the rook for free then you already have one queen so you could either mate with that or just make a second one and ladder mate as conversed to having to promote twice


Try finding the tactical sequence for part 1 of this amazing rook tactic. Part 1 means that not all variations or continuations are there Just To Clarify.


P.S. there are so many parts and/or variations that this should be made into a tactical study .


Noice puzzles

adityasaxena4 wrote:

Try finding the tactical sequence for part 1 of this amazing rook tactic. Part 1 means that not all variations or continuations are there Just To Clarify.

bad puzzle


7. Qf7+ wins rook

IcyEverest wrote:

"the hardest chess puzzle, if you can solve, you are....genius!!!!"

Then I am a genius

You're not a genius because somebody tells you that. But when a billion people tell you the same you might start wondering ....wink

IcyEverest wrote:

I was merely joking, no need to take everything so seriously lol (:

And yes, I know this

I never thought otherwise! Perhaps I should include more smileys in my posts happyhappyhappyhappyhappy

adityasaxena4 wrote:
Arisktotle wrote:
adityasaxena4 wrote:

Black to move. Win the rook and the game!

The fastest way to win the rook and checkmate the white king is by playing 1. ... Qg1!

Why lose a queen for a rook when you can win the rook for free and promote to mate ?

I don't think you grasp the concept of what makes a chess puzzle. To be a puzzle, the solution either has to be the only winning move vs perfect defence, the only drawing move vs perfect attacking play, or the fastest way to checkmate if the puzzle is titled "mate in (n)". There should not be a situation where I can find a move which wins the game instantly, but it is considered "incorrect", unless the stated objective of the puzzle is to find the fastest checkmate

adityasaxena4 wrote:

Try finding the tactical sequence for part 1 of this amazing rook tactic. Part 1 means that not all variations or continuations are there Just To Clarify.

Why bother with all of the checks when you can just start with Kg7. It's easily winning anyway

Also on move 8, Qh2+ would win the rook, why the other checks first?

Overall, I would give this a 0/10, truly one of the most pointless and inaccurate puzzles I've ever seen.

RewanDemontay wrote:
adityasaxena4 wrote:
RewanDemontay wrote:
adityasaxena4 wrote:

Black to move. Mate in 14 or win the Queen, stop the promotions, and win the game.

Every move a check until either mate or winning of pawns and queen.

Mate in 11 actually.

you would actually need to go 3.Nxh2+ 4.Nf3+ then 5.Qc4+, not 3.Qc4+ as 1....Qd5+ 2.Kg1 Nf3+ 3.Kf1 Qc4+ 4.Kg2 Qg4+ 5.Kh1 and there is no checkmate because the h2 pawn blocks the h-file and the queen guards g1 so you would need to go 1....Qd5+ 2.Kg1 Nf3+ 3.Kf1 Nxh2+ 4.Kg1 Nf3+ 5.Kf1 Qc4+ 6.Kg2 Qg4+ as if 7.Kh1 Qh3# due to the removal of the h2 pawn and thus 7.Kf1 Nh2+ ..... 12.Kc3 Qh3+ 13.Kc2 Qd3+ 14.Kc1 Qd2#

Wrong. Your problem is cooked, unfortunately.

6. Nh2+ is the wrong move to play, because 6... Qg4+ 7. Kf1 Qg1+ 8. Ke2 Qf2+ 9. Kd3 e4+ 10. Kxe4 Ng5+ 11. Ke5 Nc6# is faster. Engine analysis proves as such.

Thus. 6. Qd3 is White's best defense, and only prolonging move.

It says Mate in 14 OR win the queen , stop the promotions and win the game !


also 7.Kd5?? 8.Kxf3! and black is toast


i spent more than four hours trying roaming rooster's puzzle LOL.

Roaming_Rooster wrote:

Avg 300 elo game.


Find checkmate !

adityasaxena4 wrote:

Try finding the tactical sequence for part 1 of this amazing rook tactic. Part 1 means that not all variations or continuations are there Just To Clarify.

on the eighth move Qh2 is the faster way to get the rook

ImpossibleChaos wrote:
NEETHUDAS123 wrote:
ImpossibleChaos wrote:
NEETHUDAS123 wrote:
ImpossibleChaos wrote:

hi i know i puzzle anyone interested in solving? its legit too. i analised with stockfish.

have fun solving.
Can anyone consider being friends with me?


Why are they so Easy?

Sorry for being easy ill make super hard one, its one of the unkown hardest chess puzzles i think
here. enjoy!

Dont forget that Definally accept any friend requests. and also this puzzle at the end you can litterly just press solution cause theyre many moves.

So this I still solved but It was at least pretty satisfying and took a long time.

That cant be possible you are 1000 and 2000 in puzzles, you must have a lot of patience then, i would think yo cant solve it, i stumped with that puzzle 5 people all toguether, and they couldnt solve it

I am 2070 in puzzles or so

adityasaxena4 wrote:

Find checkmate !

why are the puzzles so ez
