Dude.... I read that one evening when went for what would normally be rest that night and read at least 7 hrs straight, had bout 1 hr to rest before I'd norm wake to at that time wake up for shower etc. for work, and each of the 4 incriminate 15min I would wake feeling as if I overslept 4 hours, I kid you not, totalling 16 hours of Heavenly Beautiful Rest all because how much that night I was so enjoying that fantastic Book. This was many yrs ago, easy 15
Dude.... I read that one evening when went for what would normally be rest that night and read at least 7 hrs straight, had bout 1 hr to rest before I'd norm wake to at that time wake up for shower etc. for work, and each of the 4 incriminate 15min I would wake feeling as if I overslept 4 hours, I kid you not, totalling 16 hours of Heavenly Beautiful Rest all because how much that night I was so enjoying that fantastic Book. This was many yrs ago, easy 15