
Global warming - an urgent problem requiring radical solution (no politics or religion)

Harvey_Wallbanger wrote:

Wow! I got sandwiched in the middle of a food fight.

No food fight.  Elroch has demonstrated that he is a partisan, and lacks a scientific demeanor.  The "true believers" in the topic, such as Albert, are here to heckle.  I can watch that stuff on TV.


Do us all a favor, then. Live up to your promise to leave the site and go watch tv.


I think I hear mumuring from the peanut gallery.


EVERY scientific organization (NASA, American Meteorological Society, Royal Society, Scientific American....) agrees with AGW. The global warming denier CULT thinks that EVERY scientific organization in the world is part of a conspiracy. Who is behind this conspiracy? Elvis? The Masons? Bigfoot? The denier CULT has no clue. They remind me of flat earthers.


Oh yeah, the Pope is part of the conspiracy also!


There is no point in debating cult members. At another site I gave sites (legitimate sites such as NASA etc). It had no effect. Cult members never listen to facts and empirical data.

fischerman_bob wrote:

EVERY scientific organization (NASA, American Meteorological Society, Royal Society, Scientific American....) agrees with AGW. The global warming denier CULT thinks that EVERY scientific organization in the world is part of a conspiracy. Who is behind this conspiracy? Elvis? The Masons? Bigfoot? The denier CULT has no clue. They remind me of flat earthers.

The use of epithets (such as denier, cultist, etc) is designed to demonize those who do not "fall into line" with the AGP alarmist crowd.  It is just another form of ad hominem attack that fails to address the weaknesses in the Alarmist argumentation.

In fact, AGP skepticism challenges the bad science, manipulated data sets, and academic fraud which peppers the AGP alarmist record.


Hmmmm so EVERY scientific organization in the world, and 97% of climate scientists are stupid and performing bad science. However, you and a few right wing blogs are doing good science.

Hmmm wow! EVERY scientific organization in the world is falsifying data. Um where do you get your data from? Oh yeah some guy's right wing blog.


Do some research!!! Climategate never happened. To say "I found a neat trick" is like saying "I found a neat trick to solve this calculus problem quicker." Climategate was investigated and found to be a scam perpetrated by hackers paid by the oil industry.


I side with science. You can side with the politicians and oil industry. I do not think that EVERY scientific organization in the world is falsifying data. Cant you see that believing that EVERY scientific organization in the world is part of a conspiracy makes you look crazy?


I can give the sites but you will just say that NASA, American Meteorological Society, Scientific American, National Geographic, Royal Society and even the Geological Society are part of the conspiracy. Like I said there is no convincing a true believer.

PS: Sure if you want I can send the sites. Unfortunately, I am on my tablet and cannot send sites right now. However, whats the point. You will just say that they are part of the conspiracy.


Or you will say that the entire world's scientific community is stupid and does not understand science.




Yeah it is frustrating when people believe nonsense! It is frustrating to try to convince a true believer that the earth is not flat, the sun is at the center of the solar system and that global warming is real.




More of the same.  Governmental scientific organizations tend to side with the political interests in power.  Careers are made or broken on the amount of funding they can acquire.

A similar situation exists in academia.  Much of that funding is from governmental sources.  If you play the game, then you get the money.  The primary researchers take their cut, and then feed the associates, staffs, and contractors.  Oversight is rare as long as the deliverables provide as promised.

Some of the most (im)famous of the have enriched themselves at the taxpayer trough.  Case in point: Michael E. Mann

Here from a 2013 news source -

Whoever came up with the saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” obviously knew nothing about the fury of panhandlers for public funding being asked to actually account for what they did with their taxpayer handouts. Global warming activist Michael Mann is taking this fury to a new level this summer, seeking vengeance on government officials who would like to know what Mann did with the millions of dollars he sucked out of the public trough.

Mann’s career is dependent on taxpayer handouts. He draws his salary from a public university, Penn State. He solicits government grant money to carry out special research projects. Government officials, who are accountable to voters for how they spend the tax money they collect, occasionally follow up on taxpayer concerns that government funding recipients appear to be misusing government funds. This, apparently, makes Mann furious.

Mann’s fury emanates from Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli looking into how Mann spent over a million dollars in public funding when he was employed by the University of Virginia. After receiving complaints that Mann was manipulating data to obtain government grants, Cuccinelli asked him to share with him information and data relating to the grants. Mann refused, saying he had privacy rights against government officials inquiring about how he spent government money. He also attacked Cuccinelli for being “anti-science.”

Your tactics are not at all unlike Mann's.


There is more money in academia to deny global warming. The oil industry has bigger pockets then the solar industry. Hmmmm well at least you are honest. Most people dont have the courage to say that EVERY scientific organization in the world is lying!

PS Scientific American, National Geographic are not government organizations.


Hmm so the government is a slave to the solar power industry and petrol dollars have no effect on politics (government )?????


Forbes????? Hmmmm I guess they dont have an agenda. Forbes represents business interests. Nothing wrong with that. However, they are hardly unbiased. I prefer primary sources and not ancdotle stories. Oh yeah, EVERY scientific organization in the world is falsifying data!


Even if Mann is falsifying data,who cares???? That is ONE scientist!