
I lile long bananas.


You click on this forum, thinking, "Here's another useless spam post I can make fun of". But this isn't a spam post. This is a profound concept that's been studied by philosophers in ancient Greece. Or ancient Rome, or something. Whatever. That's not the point. The point of this post is to explain my deep lile for long bananas.

"Lile?" you say. "Don't you mean 'like'?" But no, I don't mean "like". The word "like" inadequately describes my feelings towards long bananas, and thus I've taken it upon myself to lile long bananas with all my heart.

Let me explain why I lile long bananas so much. When I was a little girlie, about three years old, I was scrolling through my spotify playlist. Baby shark, the wiggles, all the essentials. Oh, and swexy Ariana grande, of course. I scrolled down to an row that read, "things you may like". Except, as a 3 year old, my reading skills were still somewhat limited, so I read it as, "things you may lile". I clicked on the first recommended album, and shuffled it. The first song that came on was this delightful tune called "apples and bananas". I immediately started bopping my head to the music. I screamed, "I lile bananas!!!" My aunt and uncle, came rushing down the stairs, with concerned looks on their faces. "Are you ok?" they asked me, like I was crazy. I explained, in a perfectly reasonable manner, that I was extremely ok, and that I had just discovered the arcane art of liling something! In particular, bananas. I screamed again, and my aunt and uncle exchanged worried looks. After I counted down from 10, I told them that I needed some bananas, PRONTO. Of course, they immediately took me to a swexy supermarket in their swexy Subaru Outback so I could pick out a selection of bananas. In the swexy supermarket, there were two whole rows of bananas, which, by the way, I happen to really lile. I walked between the two, trying to decide which kind to get. When suddenly, I turned, and I saw the swexiest sight I'd ever seen.

Standing by the row of long bananas was my bae, Ariana grande. Sorry, dovey, thank u, next, because Ari is a damn eternal sunshine sweetener. The moment I saw her, I nearly fainted from her dazzling swexyness. I repeatedly pinched myself on the shoulder, so as to make sure I wasn't dreaming. It hurt quite a bit, so much that I actually burst into tears. Ariana grande gave me a concerned look. She came over to where I was kneeling on the floor, sobbing from my pinch, which I do not lile. "Are you all right, eternal sunshine?" she said in a concerned voice. I looked up, and suddenly everything was ok, since my moonlight bae Ari was standing right in front of me.

I held out two thumbs up, quickly jumping to my feet. "I lile you!" I said, in 3-year-old fangirl awe.

She smiled and laughed graciously. "I lile you too," she said, before tying on her superhero cape and flying away out the window. "Bye bye boy bye bye bye it's over it's over oh yeah!" she called as she went. "And always remember that with the power of love and friendship, we can do anything!"

I immediately had a temper tantrum. My aunt and uncle pulled at me, saying, "let's go, hazel", but I kicked and punched at them. How dare they take me away from Ari! Or where she had last been. Whatever. As we made our way to the checkout counter, I grabbed a long banana. My aunt and uncle paid 50 cents for it, and I thanked them graciously. I waved goodbye to the short bananas, shouting, "thank u, next! I'm so-" and then proceeded to say a word that wasn't exactly appropriate for 3 year olds to say. Luckily, since my voice was pretty funny at 3, it sounded like "forking". Nothing to worry about! šŸ˜.

When we got home, I took a bite of the delicious long banana, and immediately fell in lile with it. It reminded me of my bae Ari, who liled me! I slept well that night, dreaming about Ari and long bananas. To this day, I'm still daring my friends to serenade random dudes with the "apples and bananas" song, and eating delicious banana bread, which I lile very much. Anyway, thanks to everyone who read this post, and have a nice day. I lile you all! Thank u, next.




Donā€™t basic make this





Profound, indeed.

The title of the topic is a little interestingā€¦if you know what I mean.

Scemer wrote:

The title of the topic is a little interestingā€¦if you know what I mean.

Scemer dirty minded


I definitely read all of that

Thatguy-1 wrote:
Profound, indeed.


Scemer wrote:

The title of the topic is a little interestingā€¦if you know what I mean.


RageDeboi wrote:
Scemer wrote:

The title of the topic is a little interestingā€¦if you know what I mean.

Scemer dirty minded

RageDeboi wrote:
RageDeboi wrote:
Scemer wrote:

The title of the topic is a little interestingā€¦if you know what I mean.

Scemer dirty minded









I need a new pfp


BasixWhiteGirl wrote:

Is she gonna fall in the ocean-