OTF Birthday List
u hate ur bday?
also u dont have to tell its only if u want it to be celebrated
I agree. one day I'll just tell you I am 18. maybe some of you will know by then tho
For some reason, sharing your real birthday online doesn't seem like a very good idea, as that constitutes part of your legal identity. But if you're less paranoid than I am, have a good time.
Tell me your birthday, and I will add it to the list. This way, everyone's birthday can be celebrated!
Also this can die when everyone has done it, it's not rlly a talking thread.
also only tell me if u have been here for like at least a month or so
@Big-Macca241010-11 - 24th October
@CalmLeGurl - 8th December
@Actually_Forgot_My_Name - 23rd May
@LordHunkyhair3 - 27th February
@the-wild-child - 14th July
@Pekin_duck123 - 20th March
@BasixWhiteBoy - 10th December
@frog5161 - 29th March
@aabdulloev29 - 23rd May
@Springtrap_Imogen_Kira - 19th January
@Poetic-Potato - 14th February
@TheLordWalkedWithUs - 25th December
@Witch_King_Of_Angmar3 - 10th August
@RyanZ_MD - 28th November
@sheepboi14 - 28th December
@TRBC-2024 - 29th November
@X_IceCube_X - 14th October
@CatInRain - 21st April
@zzz-slash - 26th April
@itszoeee14 - 8th October
@aserew12 - 28th June
@Loki_god_of_deception - 29th December
@IndoNormPlayer924 - 1st May
@VocalSiren - 23rd December
@Albertisgonealready - 21st July
@PradyPraj - 22nd November
@Tinypawn456 - 2nd May
@TheTrueNinja - 14th October
@CourtneyCloudz - 23rd October
@squirtle - 17th October
@Gluecos - 16th September
@Lilyana - 14th July
@RealTactics960 - 20th February
@tibbyyyy - 1st February
@ThecReacher - 16th March
@Pekin_duck123 - 20th March
@Lemon576 - 13th April
@Scemer - 27th May
@TecDragoman - 23rd September
@AnishAce1 - 9th October
@DilshaanS47 - 24th October
@Nylon-sock-100 - 16th December
@Tigerchess2022 - 11th November
@BritLilyLuvsMusic - 18th November
@Ethereal_Entranchess69 - 20th October
@Aeacb_7221 - 20th October
@TheBlazeWingDragon - 22nd October
@TOADINATOR - 30th November
@Pawnsonglikedawn - 25th November
@PradyPraj - 22nd November
1. Akshit: January 15
2. Joe: January 21
3. Mizza: January 23
4. Alicja: January 30
13. Admiral Bread: May 20
16. Angel: July 03
18. Sru: July 21
19. Mathilde: August 13
20. Pepe: August 29
22. Macho: September 14
25. Kaolane: October 02
26. Ghost: October 03
31. Fobby Bischer: October 17
34. Ava: October 20
35. Zemna: October 21
40. Emperor: October 26
44. Mrs. Hash: November 23
47. Seek: November 30