So basically someone make a password then someone else adds a rule on why the password won’t work the next password must follow all rules below it restart when this gets out of hand ( too much rules)
Rule 1 password must be at least 5 digits long
rule five: Password must contain exactly 23 vowels
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeiouh123bcfghjklmqrstvwxyz. Panda
Rule six: password must contains a poem
Oh [removed]
Nothing gold can stay.europandawantbamboosogiveittohim1234hahahahahazxcvbnmlkjhgfdspiytrwq
Shortest poem in the world
Rule seven: password must contain an influencer
So basically someone make a password then someone else adds a rule on why the password won’t work the next password must follow all rules below it restart when this gets out of hand ( too much rules)