Remake of password game on
Rule 1: Your password must contains a tongue twister, you need to type it by yourself. Copy and paste is forbidden for this rule.
Rule 2: Your password must include the next rule in the password (not like following the next rule, using the actual words and this only applies to rule 3)
Rule 3: Your password must contain every username of the people who participated in this forum.
Rule 4: You cannot copy and paste ANYTHING
Rule 5: Your password must contain the name of a ww2 era tank
Rule 6: Your password must contain the fen of a grandmaster’s game perfectly written down.
Rule 7: Your password must contain the entire conversation in the fourth page of this forum (the quoting sentences must also be written)
Rule 8: Your password must contain an Italian flag and Add some pizza like 100-200 for every new rule from now on
Rule 9: Your password must contain a "🐏" emoji and a "🐄" emoji and you must make sure to keep them alive
Rule 10: Your password must contain the vigenère cipher of the rail fence cipher of the playfair cipher of the bacon's cipher of the atbash cipher of the 64-bit of the binary of the morse code of the number of posts made in this forum
(or in simple terms, the number of posts in this forum, must be encoded in the following order (number of posts) ---------> morse code ---------> binary ---------> 64-bit ---------> atbash cipher ---------> bacon's cipher ---------> playfair cipher ---------> rail fence cipher ---------> vigenère cipher)
Rule 11: Your password must contain the number that was encoded 10 passwords before you made your password and it must be encoded in the affine cipher of the ROT13 of the beaufort cipher of the scytale cipher of the number you obtained after decoding the number. (If there are less than 10 passwords before this rule was added, this rule is skipped)
How do I keep them alive?