Hast hunky made this
Save the date! (OTF Christmas Party)
Please tell me what otf stands for 😭
You already said that in the planning forum, and there was an answer
There’s another one? 💀
Idk if you remember the Christmas prom thingies that happened last year, but I've created one for this year, didn't realise you had a party planned, so I'll make sure the date is not too close to yours.
There’s another one? 💀
Idk if you remember the Christmas prom thingies that happened last year, but I've created one for this year, didn't realise you had a party planned, so I'll make sure the date is not too close to yours.
It’s alright, looks like we didn’t notice each others party until now so that’s ok
There’s another one? 💀
Idk if you remember the Christmas prom thingies that happened last year, but I've created one for this year, didn't realise you had a party planned, so I'll make sure the date is not too close to yours.
It’s alright, looks like we didn’t notice each others party until now so that’s ok
Yea, I'll direct people over your way too if my threads active at all over those days lol
I am planning a OTF Christmas party on the 20th-21st of December (To not interfere with school/Christmas with your families). It will last 24 hours to accommodate all time zones
Full details are Here and see you there!