List names and we can decide wether they can be considered an OTF OG. OGs can be either people who have been here for years or people who have been here for a good time a bring great content to OTF. People can also be OGs for other reasons. List of OGs: Basix, Zach, Tibby, Woolly, Peggy, Lito, Breeze, Nate, Paz, Hades, Torch, Zesty, Corn, x6px, Mintiestimp, Will
List names and we can decide wether they can be considered an OTF OG. OGs can be either people who have been here for years or people who have been here for a good time a bring great content to OTF. People can also be OGs for other reasons. List of OGs: Basix, Zach, Tibby, Woolly, Peggy, Lito, Breeze, Nate, Paz, Hades, Torch, Zesty, Corn, x6px, Mintiestimp, Will