'Ban' the person above you for a funny reason. Don't worry, the bans are not real
I ban you for using any words.
You're banned for doing what you banned me for
DefinitelyNotGM is banned for making way too many topics!
You're banned for using an old violin
I ban you for being in too many groups.
You're banned for having too many bowling balls
DefinitelyNotGM is banned for having clouds in his profile picture.
Kerl126 is banned for not having an avatar
You're banned for having 99 in your username.
chessgdt is banned for having the word "chess" in his username.
You are banned for getting the Corrupt a Wish forum locked (and then unlocked).
You're banned for having a white background on your profile picture
You're banned for having 'zealand' in your username but not having the new zealand flag.
You're banned for having an unoriginal username.
You're banned for banning me.
You're banned for the same reason that you banned me!
aerodarts is banned for writing too much here.
chessgdt is banned for making too many posts.
1RedKnight99 is banned for being the 7th US poster in a row.
'Ban' the person above you for a funny reason. Don't worry, the bans are not real