Are you allowed to eat?
Something soft that makes zero sound
There's a player in the Bay Area who is infamous for breaking out a large bag of crunchy chips at a critical point in the game. TD's control him with USCF Rule 20G. ANNOYING BEHAVIOR PROHIBITED. This rule can be used to shut down all sorts of annoying behaviors, as the TD has very wide discretion. But use a polite request to the offender first, as most players will stop the behavior that is bugging you if asked. Kids are the worst offenders in this area, as many of them just cannot sit still when YOU are on the move. Funny how that works, eh? Nothing like trying to look at a board when you have the move, and then your opponent starts bobbing and weaving like a mongoose attacking a cobra!
There's a player in the Bay Area who is infamous for breaking out a large bag of crunchy chips at a critical point in the game. TD's control him with USCF Rule 20G. ANNOYING BEHAVIOR PROHIBITED. This rule can be used to shut down all sorts of annoying behaviors, as the TD has very wide discretion. But use a polite request to the offender first, as most players will stop the behavior that is bugging you if asked. Kids are the worst offenders in this area, as many of them just cannot sit still when YOU are on the move. Funny how that works, eh? Nothing like trying to look at a board when you have the move, and then your opponent starts bobbing and weaving like a mongoose attacking a cobra!
And randomly walking around the room, looking from a distance of 50 feet to see if I hit the clock or not, and then running back, quickly making a move, and running away again.
I actually stopped going to chess tournaments cause they are infested with little kids that are always sick and coughing their guts out. Waste of sleep, money, and a whole day. And I am cancelling my USCF membership as of this year, what a rip off, 95 dollars a year pffftt.
"Only thing that I consider really rude is leaving the timer to run out when you decide that you don't want to play anymore." I see this very occasionally. But really the level of rudeness playing Chess is minuscule compared to playing in other scenes. I play a lot of Hearthstone where your opponent being rude is somewhat expected. Fortunately, I just overlay internet tabs so I can still see when it's my turn while surfing the web.
Y'know, there was actually this one time when I was first starting out chess, I faced a opponent that was actually eating pizza while we played. He was pretty cool though, and I wasn't really bothered by it.
Is it bad chess etiquette to use conditional moves when playing daily chess?
Why would it be?
What are conditional moves?
Is it bad chess etiquette to use conditional moves when playing daily chess?
Why would it be?
What are conditional moves?
Is it bad chess etiquette to use conditional moves when playing daily chess?
Why would it be?
What are conditional moves?
This is a ridiculous post. I have been stalemated by A class players in completely lost positions, I have set stalemate traps for 2000+ players that they have fallen into. I've seen masters miss simple mates and I've seen the most dead lost of positions been salvaged for draws and wins.
I once drew a easily lost K+P vs K endgame against a A class player, we are talking about a 1200 being able to win. Players screw up all the time, even the most simple of winning positions.
I don't resign until I am facing mate in one or it is clearly obvious that my opponent has shown the technique to win.
Players shouldn't be shamed into resigning, I do admit though, the last time a junior didn't resign against me I made 3 bishops vs a lone king and mated her that way.
MikeZ, I raised 7 points of etiquette in my original post. You are responding only to the first one, which was: "1) If your opponent has an insurmountable advantage, and checkmate is inevitable, do NOT play on in a ridiculous position, unless there is a reasonable chance for a stalemate draw. You cannot play a chess game without an opponent, so show him or her some respect and do not waste his time by forcing him to play out a ridiculous position that does not even have a drawing chance for you."
Please note I said do not play on in a ridiculous position "... unless there is a reasonable chance for a stalemate draw". That should take care of your concern,
Another example. I played a kid age 12 - 14 in a tourney recently, and his position became totally hopeless. He had under 5 minutes left on his clock and I had 15 minutes. The kid started blitzing off his moves, smashing the pieces down on the board for emphasis. This is what I call ridiculous. He was totally busted, and he's smacking the pieces down AND pounding the clock? That's nonsense., and totally disrespectful to your opponent. If you are busted, and there is no chance for a draw, the honorable thing to do is resign and shake hands.
I didn't know adjusting pieces was only possible on your turn........ I also didn't know that only Black could set up the equipment.
Yes, that's Rule 10A. ADJUSTMENT OF PIECES. "A player who is on the move and first expresses the intention to adjust (e.g., by saying j'adoube or I adjust) may adjust one or more pieces on their squares."
The policy behind the rule is to prevent distracting your opponent when he is on the move, by fiddling with the pieces when he's looking at the board and trying to come up with a move. And if you've ever had a game with a player who wants to adjust every piece when YOU are on the move, you will appreciate this rule. I find most players will stop adjusting pieces when I'm on the move, once I tell them the rule and politely ask them to stop. Only once have I had to get a TD to come to the board and tell the hyperactive kid to cut it out.
The rule giving Black his choice of standard equipment is Rule 39A, CHOICE OF EQUIPMENT. However, a digital clock is preferred in any game with a sudden death time control, so Black cannot force the use of an analog clock in a sudden death game. Also, another exception to this rule is a tourney at which the TD supplies chess sets & boards.
The policy behind the CHOICE OF EQUIPMENT RULE is to discourage squabbles over equipment for the game that require the intervention and time of the TD. I find that most White players will pick up their stuff when I, as Black, arrive at the board before the start of the game. I don't always make an issue of it, but I have a digital clock with a move light on it that I like to use.
let me just say your not dating your opponent just play and if your beating them just beat them more losses will humble them or it wont life will or it won't at the end of the day they have to live with themselves your not married to them you don't have to live with them but you do have to live with yourself at the end of the day chess is just a game it's not life yes people should have etiquette but worrying about everyone else to this extent is futile worry about yourself and how you conduct yourself and set the example
i am 8
Really? And what is your rating?
Is this how cyclones are formed?