
Chess over 50 ?


Hello, is it possible to become a chess champion/grandmaster after having started a serious training (in the web:, Chess24, Chesstempo) at the age of 50 ?

Schachkopp50 wrote:

Hello, is it possible to become a chess champion/grandmaster after having started a serious training (in the web:, Chess24, Chesstempo) at the age of 50 ?

Yes. Of course. Why not?


depends how much time you have gm level is also a lot of luck, i watched  IM john bartholomew, an insanely strong international master failing to get his gm-norm in rejkjavik. If you work every day you can get very strong one Im i watch often says everybody can get as strong as him with 5-10 years of training 


There's a saying in the USA: where there's a will, there's a way.  I think in Italy, you can buy your way into a FIDI chess title... so there's already a plan B.

Schachkopp50 wrote:

Hello, is it possible to become a chess champion/grandmaster after having started a serious training (in the web:, Chess24, Chesstempo) at the age of 50 ?

Want one honest answer too? No.

Making it to the expert level would be a huge achievement already.


If you are just starting chess then your goal should be to enjoy it and improving as much as possible.  If you already play, then you need to be realistic with yourself.  You already have talent which is reflected in your very high ELO rating, or you don't.  Very few people get to grand master level. It takes a lot more than just wanting it.

Schachkopp50 wrote:

Hello, is it possible to become a chess champion/grandmaster after having started a serious training (in the web:, Chess24, Chesstempo) at the age of 50 ?

Your profile shows you take lessons but don't play any games.  Why are you not even playing games here?


There's a saying in the USA: where there's a will, there's a way.  I think in Italy, you can buy your way into a FIDI chess title... so there's already a plan B.


Yes, you're right....exactly like you can become GM in US killing a GM with a gun and then pretending to take his place.


I simply enjoy playing, and it makes no difference to me if I go up or down.  Whatever your number, you’ll rise or sink to the level of beating about half of the opponents the website gives you - get stronger, you get stronger opponents- get weaker, you get weaker opponents.  So the psychological situation - winning/losing about half the time - is exactly the same except for what “rating number” you can claim to have.