chess tutor
That is a very nice offer. I teach chess for a living these days and the kids who need help the most are the kids that cannot afford to pay for lessons. You might talk to your local library and see if they would let you give lessons at the library. For safety reasons (you don't want to have your telephone number on the internet for everyone to see), you may want to have people contact you here on or at an email address. Just make sure to let your parents know that you're having students contact you via email. Always run your plans by your parents first!
Zeke, this is a good idea. I have thought of volunteering as a coach at local grade & high schools. Actually, its a plan of mine, when time allows. For now, I settle for teaching my 6-year old.
I still remember the joy that I got from learning chess in high school :-)
Aww, that's ao awesome! xD oops........ wow
I hated when I soemtiems open my fields too much and get pieces eaten..tho' xD
Can you teach online? I really need help and can't afford lessons. You can email me at [email protected] if you would be willing to teach me or post here.
I love teaching chess to kids and was wondering if any of u would want me to teach ur children to play. Dont worry ill do it free of charge. I have a few kids who i teach and they beat high school kids already. So if any of u are looking 4 a coach then gimme a hollar. I teach them in 1 month wat they learn in 1 yr with coaches around here. My parents gave me permission to give out my num so here it is, 915-867-4114. If u want i can teach them by txt, phone, computer etc. Btw my name is zeke. And look forward to some new students this week. Oh and if u just want to play 4 fun i can do that 2. Any 1500s or lower and ages 9-13 for the ones that wanna have fun playing me.I get bored during weekends with noone to play so give me a call:)