What is the most number of Tactics points you have managed to drop in a single 5 tactic session?
I scored a clean sweep today with 5 red 'crosses of shame' and a loss of 45 points!
2 of the mistakes were on the second move so I escaped with only a few points off in each case but the other 3 were proper skelpings in the 11-14 point range!
What is the most number of Tactics points you have managed to drop in a single 5 tactic session?
I scored a clean sweep today with 5 red 'crosses of shame' and a loss of 45 points!
2 of the mistakes were on the second move so I escaped with only a few points off in each case but the other 3 were proper skelpings in the 11-14 point range!
Thankyou chess.com may i have another?