Joseph, the IQP is a very important basic structure. Soltis, if I recall correctly, includes it in the Queen's Gambit family, though it can also arise in many other openings. You can see in Soltis what it typically looks like. It can lead to other structures, as mentioned by @zeitnotakrobat, such as these:
Another fairly typical structure resulting from the IQP is this:
Those are the main transformations from the IQP. And I agree with @PawnstormPossie that "structure" and "formation" are used interchangeably.
I did not indicate formation and structure are not the same. You are correct on that one.
My phone does not upload pictures clearly, but I will look at what you have sent me and make a new post. Meanwhile thank you.
Dear pawnstormpossie and Mike: You are correct about formation and structure beingvthe same. I just ran my imagination wild and allowed for the I. Q. P. To possibly be a family of formations with a lone isolated queen pawn in common between them.That's not the case obviously.
My reading pawn structure chess has been delayed. But thank you for trying to clarify the post do patiently both of you.