
comprehensive pawn- structure- chess book(s)


Dear pawnstormpossie and Mike: You are correct about formation and structure beingvthe same.  I just ran my imagination wild and allowed for the I. Q. P.  To possibly be a family of formations with a lone isolated queen pawn in common between them.That's not the case obviously. 

My reading pawn structure chess has been delayed. But thank you for trying  to clarify the post do patiently both of you. 

OldPatzerMike wrote:

Joseph, the IQP is a very important basic structure. Soltis, if I recall correctly, includes it in the Queen's Gambit family, though it can also arise in many other openings. You can see in Soltis what it typically looks like. It can lead to other structures, as mentioned by @zeitnotakrobat, such as these:


Another fairly typical structure resulting from the IQP is this:


Those are the main transformations from the IQP. And I agree with @PawnstormPossie that "structure" and "formation" are used interchangeably.


I did not indicate formation and structure are not the same.  You are correct on that one.

My phone does not upload pictures clearly,  but I will look at what you have sent me and make a new post. Meanwhile thank you. 

OldPatzerMike wrote:

Joseph, the IQP is a very important basic structure. Soltis, if I recall correctly, includes it in the Queen's Gambit family, though it can also arise in many other openings. You can see in Soltis what it typically looks like. It can lead to other structures, as mentioned by @zeitnotakrobat, such as these:


Another fairly typical structure resulting from the IQP is this:


Those are the main transformations from the IQP. And I agree with @PawnstormPossie that "structure" and "formation" are used interchangeably.


Hello Mike,

As I said before I assumed Isolani might include sub-structures which is only true a little, it (or I.Q.P. if i'm not mistaken) transforms into other formations. Thank you for the info. again.

I am planning on going back to the Soltis' book soon.  These transformations could happen in any structure as exchanges happen all over, I assume?

joseph1000000 wrote:

As I said before I assumed Isolani might include sub-structures which is only true a little, it (or I.Q.P. if i'm not mistaken) transforms into other formations. Thank you for the info. again.

I am planning on going back to the Soltis' book soon.  These transformations could happen in any structure as exchanges happen all over, I assume?

Yes, structure transformations can occur with pawn advances and exchanges. You'll see a lot of that in Soltis, especially in his chapters on the KID complex and the Ruy Lopez formation.

If you want to learn more about pawn structures after finishing Soltis, I recommend "Chess Structures: A Grandmaster Guide", by GM Mauricio Flores Rios. It's very well organized and discusses structure transformations much more than Soltis does. Even though Flores covers a lot of the same structures as Soltis, his book has a lot of independent value.

OldPatzerMike wrote:
joseph1000000 wrote:

As I said before I assumed Isolani might include sub-structures which is only true a little, it (or I.Q.P. if i'm not mistaken) transforms into other formations. Thank you for the info. again.

I am planning on going back to the Soltis' book soon.  These transformations could happen in any structure as exchanges happen all over, I assume?

Yes, structure transformations can occur with pawn advances and exchanges. You'll see a lot of that in Soltis, especially in his chapters on the KID complex and the Ruy Lopez formation.

If you want to learn more about pawn structures after finishing Soltis, I recommend "Chess Structures: A Grandmaster Guide", by GM Mauricio Flores Rios. It's very well organized and discusses structure transformations much more than Soltis does. Even though Flores covers a lot of the same structures as Soltis, his book has a lot of independent value.

PawnstormPossie wrote:
joseph1000000 wrote:


Hello Mike,

As I said before I assumed Isolani might include sub-structures which is only true a little, it (or I.Q.P. if i'm not mistaken) transforms into other formations. Thank you for the info. again.

I am planning on going back to the Soltis' book soon.  These transformations could happen in any structure as exchanges happen all over, I assume?

Perhaps not "any" structure, but many.

And very different openings can lead to the same position.

The Nimzo-Indian section of Understanding the Chess Openings gives a great example of openings the IQP (isolani) can appear:

Nimzo-Indian  (of course)


Sicilian (c3)


French Exchange

Giuoco Piano

and in reverse in:


Tarrasch Defence  


The link to simplifychess, IMO, is very good coverage of many formations.

Edit- corrected website name


Hello PawnstormPossie:

Last three lines need explaining. My interest is categories of Chess Theory.  I am sure you are familiar with many of those: Openings,  middle and endgames, positional chess,  tactics,  etc.  What I recommend is to introduce as many  of these categories as we can identify and find resources for them.  For example: There is a book about, if I am not mistaken,  Positional Imbalance or in general Positional Chess. There are books about Positional Sacrifice. 

You must have other suggestions that I do not know about. These are what interest me presently. 


Of course i could set up another thread for this last topic that I brought up. 

There are many different ways to approach theoretical chess. A few of these are: Art of attack in chess,  visualisation,  combinations, . ..

I recently became more interested. So in a way I am new.  That and lack of practical experience limits what I can do. 


Sorry for confusing you.  The last three lines refers to:

The link to simplifychess, IMO, is very good coverage of many formations.

Edit- corrected website name


I assume simplifychess. Com is a site? 

I. M. O stands for?



Could one go back and delete some of one's previous posting? 

PawnstormPossie wrote:
joseph1000000 wrote:

Could one go back and delete some of one's previous posting? 

Not sure what you're asking.


Is there a way to delete some of postings long after they have been posted?

PawnstormPossie wrote:

Your own posts or others' posts?

Let me know about both, please. 

PawnstormPossie wrote:

To delete your own post:

I only use Android browser-

just tap on the post and select the "x"

You can't delete someone else's posts.


Thanks as usual.