
Free lessons for people under 1400

#1il y a 2 min 


I'm a french player that love to teach. I'm like 1700 ELO and I'd like to give free lessons and advices to people rated like 1100-1400 on I'm not really good but as long as it is free, you should try it. Also I'm 18 years old. If you're wondering why it is free, it is because I love teaching and helping people to get better. I'm not a professional player and I'm not very good, but I think I should be able to give 1100-1400 or less good advices in order to progress. 

If you interested, let me know. (Si tu es français, c'est encore mieux)


I'm not pretending giving professionnal lessons. What I'm saying is that I can maybe help from my 1700 experience, humblely

Hi my rating looks low but my actual skill is higher than my rating.partly because my little brother knows my password.
Jun_Wang wrote:
Hi my rating looks low but my actual skill is higher than my rating.partly because my little brother knows my password.

Your soup look tasty.

What will you teach? Positional play? Tactical... I have 1152 on my other account. I just play tournaments on this one.
I interest for that

Can you teach me. im currently at 1300s.

Krazyest wrote:
#1il y a 2 min 


I'm a french player that love to teach. I'm like 1700 ELO and I'd like to give free lessons and advices to people rated like 1100-1400 on I'm not really good but as long as it is free, you should try it. Also I'm 18 years old. If you're wondering why it is free, it is because I love teaching and helping people to get better. I'm not a professional player and I'm not very good, but I think I should be able to give 1100-1400 or less good advices in order to progress. 

If you interested, let me know. (Si tu es français, c'est encore mieux)

Hello friend! I'm interested.


salut! Carrement que ca m 'interresse. Ou dois je signer? :)


salut! Carrement que ca m 'interresse. Ou dois je signer? :)


salut! Carrement que ca m 'interresse. Ou dois je signer? :)


oups train connection, sorry for multiple post