As per my reading normally 5-6 age is appropirate. but if he takes interest early you can start. My son play tournament at the age of 4 and recently won the trophy.
To make more interesting you have to loose with them so they will enjoy playing with you. don't try to teach more. let them enjoy!!
Hey, sorry for asking questions that are probably being asked daily. But Id like to have the chance to respond to responses if necessary here.
This will obviously differ a lot from kid to kid, but what age seems appropriate to start playing chess with kids? Is there anything that helps figuering out if the kid is ready?
Also are there any tricks that make the game more enjoyfull maybe less "boring" for young ones?
I kinda fear that the kids I want to introduce to chess may be turned off by it heavily if they dont enjoy it quickly. And chess takes some time to get used to, apparently
Also, since I wont ever lose a game to them, early on at least, is it adviceable to make bad moves and if so at what frequency? (This question applies to anything I guess, and will also again vary heavily from kid to kid)
Im thankfull for any kind of tipps/informations/links.