
Playing style of a Child


I would like to ask a Question regarding Playing style of a Child who is 5.5 years old and has been playing Chess for 6 months. 

I have seen a trend that the Child likes to Play mostly defensive Chess. I mean mostly keeping Pieces within 3rd-4th rank (for White) and not willing to take much risk. Although the child is very good at tactics (for beginner level), this kind of Playing tendency has been created on its own. 

I would like to have suggestions for overcoming such defensive approach. Also may Please suggest how this kind of Playing STYLE can be Designed/Customized so that the Child won't be forced to change the STYLE. 


I've seen lots of 7 yr old players (I ran a chess club) and they aren't all defensive.  In fact, it is unusual to play defensively that that age based on what I have observed.  So, I'd say this 5.5 yr old play style is more unusual than usual.

Does this 5.5 yr old play with other kids?



mgx9600 wrote:

I've seen lots of 7 yr old players (I ran a chess club) and they aren't all defensive.  In fact, it is unusual to play defensively that that age based on what I have observed.  So, I'd say this 5.5 yr old play style is more unusual than usual.

Does this 5.5 yr old play with other kids?


Yes. Playing Chess with Kids started lately and it is wild wild wild games when they play against each other in their range.


I'm 9 and I'm good at defending.


You could show the kids the power of attacking and taking space. 


Also, kids who don't  study chess play a lot of random moves.


Play me because I am a kid!


Bro, please calm down. I suck at chess.






Hi humanbeing1,

I picked up the game a year ago after a 25 year hiatus.  This is about where I was six months in as well, I think playing style will evolve and become more aggressive with time.

If your student is comfortable enough with tactics, maybe introduce them to combinations?


teach them the power of aggressiveness



I 've won games where I only castled for offensive reasons

humanbeing1 wrote:


Does this 5.5 yr old play with other kids?



Yes. Playing Chess with Kids started lately and it is wild wild wild games when they play against each other in their range.


"Started lately" being key here.  If a single adult has been playing a child almost exclusively, and that adult is...shall we say...prone to pointing out mistakes (especially mid-game)...that will result in the defensive play you mentioned.

ghost_of_pushwood wrote:

Some people have defensive styles.  Not sure what the problem is here.

I'm assuming the OP means that the player is staying on their half of the board and defending pieces, but is afraid of attacking at all.  Easy to test...hang a piece deep in your own territory and see what happens.  If a player is convinced that easy captures are somehow traps, they won't capture.  You can also narrow down if this is a general tendency (timid) or something done only with a certain opponent (afraid of rebuke).

ghost_of_pushwood wrote:

And I really doubt that a 5-year-old has any well-defined playing tendencies of yet.

These tendencies will probably extend into other games and life in general...they would not be chess playing tendencies.  How a child plays (games or no) directly mirrors their developing personalities, outlook, etc. and children can't really hide things like varying confidence levels, material wants, or moving knights because horsies are their favorites wink.png...(the latter being a big factor for lots of kids...knights and queens being the usually favored pieces).

humanbeing1 wrote:

I would like to ask a Question regarding Playing style of a Child who is 5.5 years old and has been playing Chess for 6 months. 

I have seen a trend that the Child likes to Play mostly defensive Chess. I mean mostly keeping Pieces within 3rd-4th rank (for White) and not willing to take much risk. Although the child is very good at tactics (for beginner level), this kind of Playing tendency has been created on its own. 

I would like to have suggestions for overcoming such defensive approach. Also may Please suggest how this kind of Playing STYLE can be Designed/Customized so that the Child won't be forced to change the STYLE. 

Sounds like you are putting too much pressure on him, let him play how he wants. Who cares? It's a game.


I thought I'd seen it all earlier in a thread where some folk were advocating a 6 year old study annotated master games, now we are reshaping a 5 year old's chess style. lol.


when that five year old "learns" how to play, maybe he can teach my six month old nephew.

EChen72 wrote:

teach them the power of aggressiveness

Very simple when you use the power of greyskull