
Getting to 2000


What's your weakest area (like endgames, strategy, openings, tactics)?

What type of position is really confusing for you, or a position you don't like (attacking, defending, slow maneuvering games, wild attacking games, etc)?

Pick an area like that, and work on it thoroughly. Ideally there's a classic book on the topic, like Vukovic's Art of Attack or a player who often plays a certain opening or style (then if nothing else you can view their games from


Often with books or game collections, they're not immediately helpful (chapter 1 isn't going to make you 100 points stronger). It's more of a cumulative effect. Read the entire book. Take notes. Play over ever variation on a board. If it's someone's games, take 10-20 at a time, and go over them multiple times. Whenever you have difficulty with something, or find it interesting, make a note of it and be sure to revisit it again a few days or weeks later.


 Eh,'s edit function is messing up again.

Just wanted to add that a player like Morozevich is known as someone who plays unorthodox and aggressively while someone like Ulf Andersson tries to play while taking no risks. I'm sure you know of other players that fit types like this.


I would consider getting a coach. 

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TacticsAccount6 wrote:
I am currently at 1506 USCF rating. I have been playing seriously for one year, and casually for about five years. I am really trying to get to a 2000 rating. I currently do 5 tactics a day on I also go over a grandmaster game every day. I play at a chess club OTB for 4 hours. Are there any additional tips and things I should be doing that will help me achieve my goal of 2000? I am currently improving, but at a really slow pace.

5 tactics per day is a joke. If you have target for 2000, you should have done 10000+ tactics.Additionally reviewing computer games/ GM games also give you passive pattern memory.



Read about 15 pages of chess books and take notes- Every day

Memorize opening lines- Twice a week


If you read good books, then you will learn that opening study is not everything.


go to chesstempo for tactics and do 20/day

VikrantPlaysD4 wrote:


Read about 15 pages of chess books and take notes- Every day

Memorize opening lines- Twice a week


If you read good books, then you will learn that opening study is not everything.

Who says it's everything? It's not, but it's still something. Chess is a complete game, and I don't see a reason why someone aiming to become a competent player should study only certain parts of it.

1. Openings to get a good position to start middlegames in favourable terms.
2. Middlegames and positional play to get to a position where tactics can flow to your favor, while preventing opponents tactics from working.
3. Tactics, so you can spot said tactics in favourable positions and win material, or stop your opponent from doing so.
4. Endgames to simplify material advantage to a win, or to defend a draw in a tough position.

That being said, I think that openings are probably not all that crucial for beginner/intermediate players, as long as they play principled chess (develop quickly and towards the centre, and get king to safety), but the higher you get to rating, improving any area in your chess will surely improve your ratings as well. At least some study spent on your preferred openings will surely help you get more often in positions, where your talents on other areas (middlegames, positional play, tactics and endgames) can shine.

chesstempo lets you do unlimited puzzles for free. I’d say do the 5 free ones here and go do 20 over there each day. That should be about an hour of tactics daily.