Eh,'s edit function is messing up again.
Just wanted to add that a player like Morozevich is known as someone who plays unorthodox and aggressively while someone like Ulf Andersson tries to play while taking no risks. I'm sure you know of other players that fit types like this.
What's your weakest area (like endgames, strategy, openings, tactics)?
What type of position is really confusing for you, or a position you don't like (attacking, defending, slow maneuvering games, wild attacking games, etc)?
Pick an area like that, and work on it thoroughly. Ideally there's a classic book on the topic, like Vukovic's Art of Attack or a player who often plays a certain opening or style (then if nothing else you can view their games from
Often with books or game collections, they're not immediately helpful (chapter 1 isn't going to make you 100 points stronger). It's more of a cumulative effect. Read the entire book. Take notes. Play over ever variation on a board. If it's someone's games, take 10-20 at a time, and go over them multiple times. Whenever you have difficulty with something, or find it interesting, make a note of it and be sure to revisit it again a few days or weeks later.