

Good evening, I would like to ask if anyone know a good chess school to get in contact with in Italy. I play everyday since the last year and I reached to win against the computer 1800 but I can't go further. Could you also suggest a good chess book to start with? Many thanks for your time.

Advice 1: play humans not bots. The weak boots play weird and you wont learn from the games. 

Advice 2: At your rating the problem usely lies in basical tacic. You simply hang to many pieces/pawn and mis your opponents hanging pieces/pawns. So tactical exercises (where you think and not just moves until you hit the right move) is more important than books.

Books: Try to find a game collection with comment in Italian (or what your main language is). Otherwise Reti's 'Masters of the Chessboard' is probably the best book on chess ever written. 

RightMove00 ha scritto:
Good evening, I would like to ask if anyone know a good chess school to get in contact with in Italy. I play everyday since the last year and I reached to win against the computer 1800 but I can't go further. Could you also suggest a good chess book to start with? Many thanks for your time.

Ciao, mi chiamo Francesco e da anni sono nel mondo degli scacchi, dipende dalla tua zona di residenza posso consigliarti delle associazioni che soddisfano la tua richiesta di una scuola di scacchi (n caso puoi scrivermi in privato per questo).

Mentre il suggerimento di Toldsted lo trovo azzeccato, il libro di Reti è fatto veramente bene. Però, non conoscendo il tuo livello, non so dirti se esiste una lettura migliore per te in questo momento.
Se vuoi puoi dare un'occhiata qui, è un elenco di libri consigliati per ogni livello



Maybe try some lessons and puzzles etc, hopefully this helps improve.