
School newspaper puzzle - Need grayscale diagram!


Hello, I'm making a chess puzzle for my school and I think it wouldn't take too much wear and tear to make the column in photoshop, but I'm missing one essential part of my chess puzzle column, the actual chessboard!

I'm wondering if anybody knows where I could find a greyscale or black/white chess diagram maker?


Take screenshot of the board on any client or website with Prnt Scrn.

Paste the screenshot (Ctrl+V) onto paint.

Press Ctrl+E and select Black and White under "color".


If you want a better quality, download GIMP and use their tool instead of Ctrl+E.

MBickley wrote:

Hello, I'm making a chess puzzle for my school and I think it wouldn't take too much wear and tear to make the column in photoshop, but I'm missing one essential part of my chess puzzle column, the actual chessboard!

I'm wondering if anybody knows where I could find a greyscale or black/white chess diagram maker?

 From your words it is evident you have Photoshop. Then why not do any chess diagram in any program, import it in Photoshop (any version), and from the menu select "Image" -> "Mode? -> "Grey Scale" ? It takes only a few seconds!


Creating a chessboard in PS would take all of 3 minutes.  Just Create an 8x8 document, turn the ruler on, and use the line tool to draw lines every one inch.  Fill in the squares and your done.

ShadowMeldFS wrote:

Creating a chessboard in PS would take all of 3 minutes. ...

 I didn't suggest to create diagram in Photoshop - I said to have it created in some other chess program (any chess program like Winboard will do, then the board can be be sent to the clipboard by PrtScn or Shift+PrtScn, create a new document in PS and paste it by Ctrl+V, then crop it - hardly takes 15 seconds), import it in PS, then convert it to gray scale.


Don't use Photoshop...almost any of the dozens of freeware chess programs out there will output a diagram for you. One program you might want to check out is DiagTransfer ( ), which will output black-and-white diagrams in a variety of graphic formats. One of the neat things about this program is that it has a "transparent" option, where you actually make the program window semi-transparent, so you can lay it over and copy a diagram you see on the web or in a PDF file or something.