.. Discovered, under, "6 year old, chess"; Google- images ..{which led, to this link}.
.. Discovered, under, "6 year old, chess"; Google- images ..{which led, to this link}.
At this age, the best thing you can do is support him, and not push something on him, and if he is really into chess and likes what he is doing (playing chess) then you can get a coach that charges damn low, if cost is a problem. You can also find coaches that teach for as low as 5-10$ (not the titled ones as there is no need of a titled coach at this your kids level)
Thank you for the suggestions. My son really loves chess and I was chatting with his club coach and he highly recommend me not to push him too hard. He suggested me to let him enjoy chess rather than get high rating but quit or hate chess in the future.
Thank you for the suggestions. My son really loves chess and I was chatting with his club coach and he highly recommend me not to push him too hard. He suggested me to let him enjoy chess rather than get high rating but quit or hate chess in the future.
Joining tournaments is really an enjoyable experience form him. I have seen many kids playing chess tournaments as early as 4 years old and they still play today. So if there are tournaments, let him play. A simple way of helping him improve and not pushing it to hard is solving chess puzzles everyday appropriate for his level. As few as 2 puzzles everyday can improve him. Between now and then show some instructive quick games. Does he know king and rook against a lone king mate endgame? Two rooks against a lone king endgames? You can teach these to him.
World Champion's Guide to Chess by Polgar has many tactics appropriate for his level. This is how Laszlo Polgar trained his daughters, he let them solve puzzles.
2 years ago. Some kids at that age are half way to master. And since no one who's in this sport ever makes any money at it any local Club player will jump at the opportunity to make cash to show somebody something
Your son is not ready for private study. It woud be a waste of time, and money. No 800 player needs a private coach.
Hello Derek,
If he's playing in tournaments already, he's definitely ready for a private coach.
Premier Chess has a great Bay Area instructor.
To learn more about my chess services and general chess news, see www.premierchess.com or www.facebook.com/premierchess
Email me at [email protected] or call (917)776-1306 today to chat.
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My son is 6 years old. His rating is close to 800 after 6 months tournament and less a year learning chess. He won 3 kids with 1000 rating already. And also beat some people at chess.com with 950-1100 rating. I want to plan on when is the time for people hire private coach for their young kid. I don't know if he is really talented in chess but he is very into chess. And sometimes can memorize details of the games. Recently we have pretty intensive chess class. But I want to know in what kind of situation that we should have private coach to teach him? Cost is an issue to us because he is in private school to fit his school life need, so if we don't need to hire private coach too early then it will be better. Or we may need to plan to pull him out from private school early. Thank you.
By the way you have posed the question, 'when is it time to hire a coach for a child of six,' by definition the only possible answer is 'six.'
Thanks All. My son is in chess club already. He is pretty dedicated to the club time. We went to the kid's club 3 times a week which is not including the weekend tournament. It's a punishment to him if he can't go to the chess club. He used chess club as his social time. He even tried to play chess in his current school but no one play with him. I found out there are so many talented kids are playing the chess. I talked to the coach that his club coach told me wait until he passed rating 1000. And we are working on it now.
PLEASE - KIDS ARE LIKE BABY BEAR CUBS - mother bear would not teach a cub to play with rocks - she would teach her girl cubs and guy cubs how to survive in this world - look at the news - the world is changing so fast it is a job and a half to teach a kid to survive - it is dumb to think that chess is the end all be all - oh I am wrong - 24 7 teach your kid chess - then in 24 years you can post on this site and ask us how to get your 30 year old son out of your basement and get a first date with a girl - then in another ten years when he is 40 we can give advise on how he might go to his first interview and get his first job - jeezz - my kid is six months old and already when she ain't trying to eat the pieces she tosses them around like a master - I want to enter her is an international sanctioned tournament - what color diaper should she wear ? - - - - jeezz - - - - I played a sanctioned tournament in my home town and ALL THE ADULTS BEAT ME BADLY - - since I was unranked they had me start off playing two kids - on me winning - BOTH KIDS CRIED ???????????? - there is something wrong about teaching kids chess - mixed up priorities - you do not see that in other human endeavors - - I put my baby is a profession football school - another player mistook my baby for a football and punted him up and over and through the goal posts - I am proud that my baby scored a goal - - how soon should I wait before I get my baby a professional personal coach ?
PLEASE - KIDS ARE LIKE BABY BEAR CUBS - mother bear would not teach a cub to play with rocks - she would teach her girl cubs and guy cubs how to survive in this world - look at the news - the world is changing so fast it is a job and a half to teach a kid to survive - it is dumb to think that chess is the end all be all - oh I am wrong - 24 7 teach your kid chess - then in 24 years you can post on this site and ask us how to get your 30 year old son out of your basement and get a first date with a girl - then in another ten years when he is 40 we can give advise on how he might go to his first interview and get his first job - jeezz - my kid is six months old and already when she ain't trying to eat the pieces she tosses them around like a master - I want to enter her is an international sanctioned tournament - what color diaper should she wear ? - - - - jeezz - - - - I played a sanctioned tournament in my home town and ALL THE ADULTS BEAT ME BADLY - - since I was unranked they had me start off playing two kids - on me winning - BOTH KIDS CRIED ???????????? - there is something wrong about teaching kids chess - mixed up priorities - you do not see that in other human endeavors - - I put my baby is a profession football school - another player mistook my baby for a football and punted him up and over and through the goal posts - I am proud that my baby scored a goal - - how soon should I wait before I get my baby a professional personal coach ?
Not sure whether this is a joke or not...
At that age, the kid will feel like he HAS TO WIN if he has a coach. That is unhealthy. I once met a great would-be teacher, one of the best in the US once. However, he refused because of the above reasons. I am 1750 OTB and have never had a coach. Oh, and he also recommends NO opening theory until "2500" (though I started studying it once I got to 1400)
Let him go by himself, experience teaches and will soon be good, it will avoid stalling.
Around 1000, kids may stall for a year or two. That is when tactics will help a lot. A plane stops an aerodynamic stall be gaining speed and pushing its nose down. Tactics all the way should do it. I have implemented this strategy when I was younger.
My son is 6 years old. His rating is close to 800 after 6 months tournament and less a year learning chess. He won 3 kids with 1000 rating already. And also beat some people at chess.com with 950-1100 rating. I want to plan on when is the time for people hire private coach for their young kid. I don't know if he is really talented in chess but he is very into chess. And sometimes can memorize details of the games. Recently we have pretty intensive chess class. But I want to know in what kind of situation that we should have private coach to teach him? Cost is an issue to us because he is in private school to fit his school life need, so if we don't need to hire private coach too early then it will be better. Or we may need to plan to pull him out from private school early. Thank you.