
30-minute games


What ever happened to them? It keeps saying "We're looking for one" and nothing comes up. Why won't it do 30-minute games anymore. Same for 10:15 ones. Is there some bug or is it just me?

Grand-R wrote:

What ever happened to them? It keeps saying "We're looking for one" and nothing comes up. Why won't it do 30-minute games anymore. Same for 10:15 ones. Is there some bug or is it just me?

It depends on the number of other players looking for that time control at the same time that you are looking.

Also, if you set a rating range that you require- for example, within 100 points up or down, it can be harder to find opponents.

You can look at the list of open challenges to see who is seeking a game with a time control and rating that you find acceptable.


Unfortunately, it's still loading. "It's taking longer than expected to find a match." I tried expanding the rating, but it had no effect. How do you find open challenges?

Grand-R wrote:

Unfortunately, it's still loading. "It's taking longer than expected to find a match." I tried expanding the rating, but it had no effect. How do you find open challenges?

Are you using the website?



Grand-R wrote:


If you click on custom, a tab for open challenges becomes visible.


Great! Thank you!


Aaand... It's not working. I keep clicking play and nothing happens. I don't understand.



Yeah, that's what I'm on. But when I click the play by the name it just doesn't do anything.


Sorry to say but your 302 rapid rating may be too far below the limits those people have set.

Why don't you try setting up a custom game yourself and leave it with an infinite rating range.? (Infinite up and infinite down)