
chat language rules are too american/restrictive


I just got chat banned for saying "I am getting my [removed] kicked". The obsession with good language is an American one, can we maybe loosen up the rules a little?


The owner wants chess players here to be nice to each other or at least to tone down the lack of respect. Enforcing a few restrictions helps that to occur.

Nothing wrong with that, is there?


Thanks for the answer @justbefair
Except that the notion of what is respect and being nice is a cultural one. Some things are considered normal in some cultures and offensive in others. What I am criticizing is that the rules on are too restrictive for most cultures (from my point of view). I am not blaming devs for that, it is an American site after all, I am just asking them to reconsider and relax the rules a little.


I agree with Gollum67 here and my Elo in rapid 10-0 is slightly higher (so my opinion should matter more) I don't see any provocation or malicious intent in that chat message.