
Custom game - elo range - bug


Hello.   Just want to report an unusual bug I've found.

Using the app, when I go to create a custom game and play live, rapid, chess960, in the elo range it identifies my proper live 960 rating but when it begins searching, it shows my DAILY 960 rating(I dont play it, it's like 600 elo or something).

So what's happening is, I'm searching for live 960 matches with an elo range of -50 to infinite and its potentially matching me up with 600's,.when I'm rated near 1300.  I dont want to play a rated game with someone 700 points lower than me, but will be penalized for aborting too much.  This bug didn't start occurring until I browsed through my stats one day and clicked on the daily one.  Ever since then, when using custom match, the bug has appeared.  And I've tried reloading page, force stopping the app, etc.   Any ideas?

Sporegasm wrote:

Hello. Just want to report an unusual bug I've found.

Using the app, when I go to create a custom game and play live, rapid, chess960, in the elo range it identifies my proper live 960 rating but when it begins searching, it shows my DAILY 960 rating(I dont play it, it's like 600 elo or something).

So what's happening is, I'm searching for live 960 matches with an elo range of -50 to infinite and its potentially matching me up with 600's,.when I'm rated near 1300. I dont want to play a rated game with someone 700 points lower than me, but will be penalized for aborting too much. This bug didn't start occurring until I browsed through my stats one day and clicked on the daily one. Ever since then, when using custom match, the bug has appeared. And I've tried reloading page, force stopping the app, etc. Any ideas?

Which app and version?

Sporegasm app - version- 4.6.35




Found out it is a known bug on that but it isn't recent from what I understand.


Any way to fix it?