
Game review is not working


Show the following message. Refresh does not work.

Game Review is currently not working. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to fix it.

1e4c51-0 wrote:

Show the following message. Refresh does not work.

Game Review is currently not working. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to fix it.


May have been a temporary issue. I'm not seeing any problems now.


Still the same issue. It seems only happens to games in saved analysis.


1e4c51-0 wrote:

Still the same issue. It seems only happens to games in saved analysis.



I just ran one from my Save Analysis page. Is the game you are looking at a standard chess game?


Getting this same problem on Depth 30 after correcting a move. Could this be related to browser? I'm on Firefox, what about all of yous guys?


me 2


on google


Still an issue for months

TheKingOfBees wrote:

Still an issue for months

I haven't seen any major issues with running reviews for a long time.


i have this issue sad.png


game review and analysis not working for me today

s_pls wrote:

game review and analysis not working for me today

How are you accessing the site? I just ran a couple without issues.


Just checked and all working ok now, it didn't load for a couple of hours earlier


It was letting me do a bunch of reviews, but then the pages refreshed and the error message “game review is currently not working” came.

Very strange


Let me just add my voice as confirmation...

It's working for me at the moment, from both ways...

1. directly from my home page with the "Completed Games" > "Review" link.
2. inside a game "Game Review" button.


I haven't been able to review since I started playing again a month ago, I can't find a fix.

ColtarJ wrote:

I haven't been able to review since I started playing again a month ago, I can't find a fix.

You might contact support through the Help option in the menu.

Gimme72 wrote:

Game reviews are missing details. No suggestions on what to study. Results for blunders is different. Quick review will show blunder. Full report will not.

You're on the beta version, which will be released site wide eventually. I think the suggestions will come back at some point.


I just got the new game review and it SUCKS.

PLEASE give us the option to revert back to the way it was.


If using Firefox browser, this happens for me in nearly 100% cases if I click on "review" immediately after the game finishes. Then I need to close/reopen/whatever to get it working...
This feature (updated version) was really poorly implemented from the start.