What's the rating adjustment?
How come there's no way to check the rating adjustment when you send a challenge?
It's based on a fixed algorithm that factors in the ratings of you and your opponent and how many games you've played, so it's not like the website can't show you what the rating adjustment is going to be before you hit 'send challenge', but for some reason the site designers don't think that information is pertinent to the users?
I was just going to say that I don't like having to guess. I guess it doesn't really matter, but wouldn't it be better if you knew what the rating adjustment was going to be before you committed to playing a game?
I want to know what the rating adjustment is going to be before I send a game challenge. Why doesn't the website show that?
It would be helpful to see the rating adjustment before sending the challenge. The website may not display this information due to the dynamic nature of rating systems, which can vary based on different factors. Transparency in this area could improve the overall user experience. It’s worth providing feedback to the platform for better clarity on rating changes.
I was just going to say that I don't like having to guess. I guess it doesn't really matter, but wouldn't it be better if you knew what the rating adjustment was going to be before you committed to playing a game?
maybe it's a personal thing in that ratings don't matter much to me.
but, i'll say this-if you play enough games, whatever rating you have/earn will even out. it wouldn't matter much who you play. you might temporarily have a "high" or "low" rating from a streak.
I don't care much about rating either, but for people who are trying to improve their rating, it might be helpful to see before hand what the rating adjustment says about the relative strength of the two players on this site. I don't think chess.com uses the same calculation on rating that FIDE uses. If people don't understand how the rating is calculated, then how well can they really understand what rating says about their playing strength?
Every 25 points, 1 point gained in win or loss
Did you find that information on the website?
I don't care much about rating either
if you did not, this would not be a topic.
but for people who are trying to improve their rating...
you will have to forgive my tone, if that can be discerned via this medium.
you have been here for quite some time and spend a lot of time in the forums. by now you should have read that many say the best way to improve is to study and play those around 100-200 points above you.
knowing what a rating adjustment is prior to a game will not do anything for anyone looking to improve.
What's the point of having a rating if people don't understand how it is calculated? It might as well be a random number if you don't know how it's derived.
Some information can be found here: How do ratings work on Chess.com? | Chess.com Help Center.
For the hardcore ones, more here: Elo to Glicko: Your Rating Explained - Chess.com.
I want to know what the rating adjustment is going to be before I send a game challenge. Why doesn't the website show that?