Hello everyone Please consider sending me a friend request. I just love to connect with more and more chess lovers across the globe and it just helps me to better understand this game in many ways.
Hello everyone Please consider sending me a friend request. I just love to connect with more and more chess lovers across the globe and it just helps me to better understand this game in many ways.
I think I saw this exact same comment in another forum topic. However, I'll send a friend request; just please don't copy this one person who began using invectives and blocked me because I drew a game against them. I don't hold it against them; I just think it's a bit of a ridicolous reason to do so.
yoloking1111 you are saying a 300 rated beat mittens? No, I don't believe you. You definitely used engine or atleast were partially using engine lines because there is NO WAY a 300 rated got over 96 percent accuracy in one game against mittens as in all your other games you accuracy averages out at 60%.
i believe me, so does my search history, and my friends also do (they watched it irl)
I think I saw this exact same comment in another forum topic. However, I'll send a friend request; just please don't copy this one person who began using invectives and blocked me because I drew a game against them. I don't hold it against them; I just think it's a bit of a ridicolous reason to do so.
Wait a minute, why is this even here? This shouldn't be here. I sent this in another topic.
I must say it is possible to use engine and UNLIMITED UNDO to beat the 1 point Mitten. That is, without DFS on every node it seems imp to catch your all-time-engineering cat's only calculating inaccurate.
And, in short, Mitten is definitely stored the BEST move on every situations in her helper with engine analyzed in Depth:18.
I think I saw this exact same comment in another forum topic. However, I'll send a friend request; just please don't copy this one person who began using invectives and blocked me because I drew a game against them. I don't hold it against them; I just think it's a bit of a ridicolous reason to do so.
Wait a minute, why is this even here? This shouldn't be here. I sent this in another topic.
Oh, wait, I must've mixed the topics up. I forgot what the other topic was. My bad. I did actually send this in response.
tried playing Mittens after I saw the WSJ article. Ruined chess for me for a few days. Getting destroyed in less than 25 moves kinda takes the fun out of it.
@iamverygoodtwo beat mittens!
How do you beat Mittens and lose to 600s? Which engine did you use, Stockfish or Komodo?
probably mittens was flagged
Imagine getting mad over an imaginary cat.
Have you played Mittens yet??? That absurd thing might drive you crazy too. I was almost breaking my laptop after I played a few games with that stupid garbage. That $ht also keeps saying twaddles. ugh
skill issue