
Reporting someone who's blocking me


Hey, I've discovered that it's not possible to report a player that is blocking me. How can I report him?

APainterPaints wrote:

Hey, I've discovered that it's not possible to report a player that is blocking me. How can I report him?

It's not reportable. Blocking was set up to reduce disputes between people.

Anyone can block you.

If they were abusive before they blocked you, you can report them.

But otherwise, you won't be able to comment on threads they have started or will not be matched with them in regular games. (You might be matched in a tournament.)


I mean I'm suspecting him of Fair Play violation and he seems to be abusing this feature to avoid being reported.

APainterPaints wrote:

I mean I'm suspecting him of Fair Play violation and he seems to be abusing this feature to avoid being reported.

You can still report him.


The report button does not show if someone is blocking you.


What's his username? I can report him for you. I am pretty sure however that you should be able to report even if he has blocked you, maybe you have to take a different route to find that page however. It doesn't make any sense for to remove the button just because you are blocked.

APainterPaints wrote:

The report button does not show if someone is blocking you.

That might be a new bug.

If you look at the profile link, the report option should still be available.


If I look at a profile of an opponent who's not blocking me, I can see Follow, challenge and the tree dots, etc. in his/her page, but if I look at the player who's blocking me there are no such options. They are completely missing. I've played a lot of rapid games here, and as you might guess, I've reported a lot of players, but I have never seen this before. This must be a new feature or a bug.

APainterPaints wrote:

If I look at a profile of an opponent who's not blocking me, I can see Follow, challenge and the tree dots, etc. in his/her page, but if I look at the player who's blocking me there are no such options. They are completely missing. I've played a lot of rapid games here, and as you might guess, I've reported a lot of players, but I have never seen this before. This must be a new feature or a bug.

You can report by using the Help option in the menu to contact Support


I've tried that before I wrote here. The "support" seems to be a bot and gives me instructions how to press the report button.


No worries, I'll report him when the bug is fixed.

APainterPaints wrote:

No worries, I'll report him when the bug is fixed.

I don't believe it's a bug exactly. Reporting when blocked hasn't been possible for a long time.

APainterPaints wrote:

I've tried that before I wrote here. The "support" seems to be a bot and gives me instructions how to press the report button.

You can type something like speak to an agent to open a ticket


Please report [removed -- MS] he also blocks players before cheating against them. Every game he played with 95+ accuracy he has blocked his opponents at the start of the game so that they can't report him.

OsamaOzyy wrote:

Please report [removed -- MS] he also blocks players before cheating against them. Every game he played with 95+ accuracy he has blocked his opponents at the start of the game so that they can't report him.

Publicly accusing other members or requesting other members to report isn't allowed.


Cheaters seem to be realizing this loophole, so I request that it should be made possible to report someone who's blocking you.


I should also add that's cheating detection seems to be only accuracy driven and not take into account rating changes. I played one player who had a rating of 185, was winning and losing games on that level, and got 2200+ in a very short time. So he had a 12-fold increase in rating in rapid and was not banned when I reported him.

APainterPaints wrote:

I should also add that's cheating detection seems to be only accuracy driven and not take into account rating changes. I played one player who had a rating of 185, was winning and losing games on that level, and got 2200+ in a very short time. So he had a 12-fold increase in rating in rapid and was not banned when I reported him.

Are you sure that none of the numbers is a typo? Going from 185 to 2200+ "in a very short time" is probably impossible.


Yes, not a typo, three digits: 185.

magipi wrote:

Are you sure that none of the numbers is a typo? Going from 185 to 2200+ "in a very short time" is probably impossible.

If it's a new account the rating can fluctuate pretty wildly.