
Stockfish 11???


The number of bugs on this website is getting ridiculous. Every day I seem to encounter a new problem. Today, for some reason I can't use Stockfish 15 in my analysis. I can only use Stockfish 11 (!) or Komodo. I mean, why 11? It's so random. Sometimes I think the people running this site are trolls with a very weird sense of humour and install very creative and random bugs on their own site every day.

I'll give them 1 or 2 weeks to sort this stuff out, or I'm gonna cancel my membership.

ChessHands86 wrote:

The number of bugs on this website is getting ridiculous. Every day I seem to encounter a new problem. Today, for some reason I can't use Stockfish 15 in my analysis. I can only use Stockfish 11 (!) or Komodo. I mean, why 11? It's so random. Sometimes I think the people running this site are trolls with a very weird sense of humour and install very creative and random bugs on their own site every day.

I'll give them 1 or 2 weeks to sort this stuff out, or I'm gonna cancel my membership.


Google Chrome had an update to version 109 on January 10th. That browser version has an issue with Stockfish 15, causing periodic browser crashes when the engine loads. 


Staff are trying to figure out why that Chrome version is causing crashes, but since it is Stockfish 15 isn't an option for browser analysis.

21stCenturyTal wrote:

Hi, I have a similar issue. On my Browser, Opera GX, I had SF15 NNUe, but after signing out and back in again, I can no longer access it, even with my premium.


I believe that browser is based on Chromium so that's why you're seeing that. The same bug impacts Chromium based browsers based on version 109, so it's been completely disabled until there's a fix.


Since one week I'ave the same problem with and stockfish 15. Now only SF11 is running! Before SF15 worked perfectly! I have tried all browsers an other PC's with highest CPU's levels. So it's not possible because of any PC's ore Browser's. All just excuses, here listens. I'am switching to Lichess. By by

SwissFario wrote:

Since one week I'ave the same problem with and stockfish 15. Now only SF11 is running! Before SF15 worked perfectly! I have tried all browsers an other PC's with highest CPU's levels. So it's not possible because of any PC's ore Browser's. All just excuses, here listens. I'am switching to Lichess. By by


Unfortunately, a crashing browser after games or while spectating necessitated removal until the root cause of the issue could be determined and fixed. 

bobcas11 wrote:

I noticed this too and was puzzled, to put it mildly. SF 15 always ran flawlessly in my chrome browser. Couple this with the 502 errors that have been going on for a while. I've been having so many issues with this site I'm not playing as many rapid or blitz games until it's all fixed and sticking to daily games so I don't get screwed over in the middle of a game. Does anyone know what browser I should use if I want to use SF 15 again for browser analysis?? I seriously hope solves their multiple issues that have been happening this month, otherwise I'm going to ask for a refund of my premium and go play elsewhere. And I would really hate to do that, I do favor this site over all the other choices.


Stockfish 15 was only available on Chrome or Chromium based browsers and has been disabled due to the crashing issue on Chrome 109. As more members were getting updated, more were crashing after game completion or while spectating.


Staff are looking at it but until the root cause is identified and a fix is found, it's not available. 

bobcas11 wrote:

When you say not available you mean just on chrome or on any browser at all? This is crazy...a certain other site we're not allowed to name (as if nobody knows what it is) has 14+ NNUE available in the browser, yet, which is over $100 a year to get all the features, can't give us better than 11, and 502 errors? This other site that we can't name is free, does not care if we talk about there, and has just as many if not more users without the 502 errors. I really want to see do's like when you're watching a good friend go down the tubes and it hurts to watch...


It was only available before on Chrome and Chromium based browsers, so currently it's not available at all. I'm not exactly sure why it wasn't available on other browsers, but apparently it must have been something that needed additional code work to accomplish, and hadn't been done.



Martin Stahl, could you please name one browser where Stockfish 15 works? I've tried three different browsers now and I can only use Stockfish 11 on all 3 of them. I don't exactly want to try a thousand different ones until I find one that works.

Also, don't you think it's kind of weird that premium, gold, etc. members are not notified of such issues, but have to search for answers themselves in the forums? That's extremely bad customer service. When staff members find out that there is a bug with SF 15 and we can only use SF 11, I'd expect an e-mail with an excuse and an explanation or at least a short news article about it on your website.

I'm not even really angry, I'm just honestly confused about how badly treats their members and customers.

ChessHands86 wrote:

Martin Stahl, could you please name one browser where Stockfish 15 works? I've tried three different browsers now and I can only use Stockfish 11 on all 3 of them. I don't exactly want to try a thousand different ones until I find one that works.

Also, don't you think it's kind of weird that premium, gold, etc. members are not notified of such issues, but have to search for answers themselves in the forums? That's extremely bad customer service. When staff members find out that there is a bug with SF 15 and we can only use SF 11, I'd expect an e-mail with an excuse and an explanation or at least a short news article about it on your website.

I'm not even really angry, I'm just honestly confused about how badly treats their members and customers.


Stockfish 15 is not available now due to that bug. It was only previously available on Chrome and Chromium based browsers.


None of the people complaining about this are at a level where they could possibly see the difference between 11 and 15 

bobcas11 wrote:

Nothing on the second half of his question, I was wondering the exact same thing. When I noticed stockfish 11 for the first time I thought something was wrong on my end, because that's a huge change without hearing anything, no notification or message sent out, even a generic automated "hey there's some issue we're on it" to reassure us. Only when I searched the forums did I find out it was a sitewide issue and not something on my end. I understand you don't exactly work for them but they must communicate with you, right? You've been taking all the heat from this as well as the 502 errors, so if you're in communication with people who do work for the company, maybe in your next conversation with someone there you could let them know how many many threads you've been having to answer a million questions on and how many members have no idea what's going on (a lot of us paying members, I'll add) and maybe you could suggest someone puts out some kind of statement giving the members an update as to what is going on, what they're doing about it, and a timeline? I think it would be best for everyone if someone at could address these things. Most of the pages on this site (except the forums, go figure, which is why I'm here right now, it's one of the only things working) have been not working than those that are today, and it's been like that for a month or more. Nobody from says a word, and they have you in here getting buried in questions. They really should say SOMETHING.


Not every member is using Chrome or a Chromium based browser. I didn't comment on the latter part of the statement because I didn't really have anything worthwhile to add to that point. However, the site rarely posts anything when there are some bugs that they are aware of and working on. They just work on them to try an fix them.

With all the work going on around the site load, I know the primary focus is to fix issues around that and when that is done and stable, they'll work on other things. This particular issue, is a weird one since it was ultimately caused by some change in a browser and it will likely take some time to determine what the root of the issue is, what it will take to fix it, and then test those fixes.


I posted to staff the increasing number of reports of the Chrome crashes and did a lot of testing to pinpoint that it was related to Stockfish 15. Staff worked on it too for a couple of days before deciding to remove the option before more members started upgrading to version 109 and the problem became much more widespread.


As to more notifications of issues, that will hopefully improve some, especially for wider ranging issues. I'm not sure what the likelihood of notifications about Stockfish 15 are.


I feel sorry for all the e-businesses who lose money due to browser upgrades. If hacking is a major problem this can't be too far behind.


Chromium? I have used Windows 10 (Firefox) and MacOs Ventura (Firefox and Safari), and the problem is the same. These browsers are not based on Chromium!

QuodChess wrote:

Chromium? I have used Windows 10 (Firefox) and MacOs Ventura (Firefox and Safari), and the problem is the same. These browsers are not based on Chromium!


Stockfish 15 was only available for Chrome or Chromium based browsers before. It hasn't been released for any other browser 


Maybe check how the open-source site is doing it? (I assume that it can be checked since the code is open source, but I know next-to-nothing about coding.) On [the other site], Stockfish 15.1 seems to be running smoothly in the same browsers.


When can we expect this to be fixed? I'm not a patient man. 

georgegrasser wrote:

When can we expect this to be fixed? I'm not a patient man. 


It's still being looked at but I know a lot of dev work is on site stability right now.

Martin_Stahl wrote:
georgegrasser wrote:

When can we expect this to be fixed? I'm not a patient man. 


It's still being looked at but I know a lot of dev work is on site stability right now.

Thank you, Martin!




bobcas11 wrote:

I just find it odd that on lichess (which is completely free btw) they have SF 14+ with NNUE yet I'm paying almost $20 a month for SF 11 here, with the same browser. It was annoying when it first switched and when I first saw that Martin mentioned a couple weeks ago that it was temporary and being fixed, but now, weeks later, it's really getting old. Come on, do better! This feels like watching a good friend you care about throw their entire life away - we love you and want to see you do better.


My understanding is there is also a flagged bug with Chromium, so it's not just a issue. The site is looking at a way to circumvent the bug, since even when the browser updates, there will be a lot of members on the impacted versions. So far it impacts version 109 and 110.