Actually, @ibrust, what a superb post you have written. In particular, the description of attitudes to the paranormal and to denial of the paranormal seems perfect on my initial reading.
I was brought up as a logical positivist. At the age of 11, I was probably confirmed in that doctrine. It was the young woman you see in the picture who convinced me, at the age of about 18, to reopen my mind. She asked me to try, as an experiment, to accept that the paranormal is possible. The effect was almost immediate and amazing. It had been natural to believe what I had believed but it was equally natural to relinquish that belief. Without wishing to over-dramatise, it can seem to me as if ... well, I'm an atheist but I don't want to blaspheme: and that more or less sums it up. The power of the mind.
Thankyou for such a post.
re Optimissed: the story of how I stumbled onto the paranormal is similar to yours in certain ways... it was a woman who introduced me to it. I met her on a Jungian psychology forum, we clicked and started dating... soon I learned she was into Tarot cards. I admit I thought she was crazy at first, but I was still open enough to suspend judgment - and I liked her. Well, at some point she asked me to do a reading for her. I did the reading... and I'd always been a Christian, so I knew how to pray. I went into a transcendental meditative state, I focused my will, and I drew a card... Of course, the card that was drawn answered her question in the most precise way. At first it didn't sink in, but I repeated this three times with the same result. I think it still took me a few days to digest and accept what had happened... then I started looking for explanations.
Now she'd referred me to a website to do this reading. It was a virtual card that'd been selected, and in code this was a random number generator indexing the card... I think it might have been the gospel of Thomas where I found an example of apostles rolling dice to divine the will of God (random number generators are sometimes referred to as virtual dice). At that point I began conducting experiments passing these "divined" random numbers through stochastic models of real life processes... and I found that, indeed, real life events could be predicted, and in some ways controlled, with just will alone.
I think later I found Chris Langan's CTMU (cognitive theoretic model of the universe) and that helped me piece together a model of what was happening. So I learned about quantum retrocausation which I didn't know about, learned about microtubules, etc..
Anyway, many of these stochastic modeling experiments were completely fantastical. I wish I'd written them all down. But in one case I diagnosed a woman on a forum with a rare tropical parasite based on no information using this modeling technique... at the time she was dying from an unknown cause, I had no idea about any of this. I could also reliably read peoples thoughts by indexing a large database of text dialogue. I could go on, it still blows my mind thinking about the whole thing.
If anyone wants a real life, tangible demonstration of what we're talking about - go watch a few David Blaine videos. He's completely aware of this phenomenon, I assure you - I can tell by the details in what he says, the way he talks out certain topics. I've seen him do a few tricks with dice himself. Go watch David Blaine win the lottery on video. Watch any number of his videos. David's greatest trick of all is that, sometimes, he's not playing a trick. But yeah, I know you know all this, but I'm not sure I've ever shared this information with someone in such detail.
I do like the way you emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, and the repercussions that can have. It's not something I've thought about enough. I don't claim to have some stratospheric IQ - I think I'm in the 140ish range - good but certainly it's not 170.
Anyway, it's nice running into someone who's had similar experiences, it doesn't happen often.
We're mostly adults here, and if I want to talk about my favorite author Philip K. D*ck, then I'm going to do it...
Perhaps Mr Duck should change his name?