
This is kinda dumb


so as everyone might know how like u can get muted or closed on this site for many different reasons well as i was talking to one of my friends on @Yourlocaldummie who had made a new account after their old acc got closed for abuse for apparently being mass reported for no reason they just now on this current acc as i was talking to them according to wut they said on their profile they got muted until october 9th for spamming which they never did and i just think sometimes things auto mod and stuff does is a bit dumb and may want to be changed


I agree, like with @PickleTicker1 s old account. It was banned and he did nothing wrong

do-you-think-I-care wrote:

I agree, like with @PickleTicker1 s old account. It was banned and he did nothing wrong

Accounts do not get banned for doing nothing wrong. There was some violation of the TOS on the closed account, the closed account was an unauthorized alt account, or a new account of one previously banned and not a second chance account.