
this website is just terrible with connection management

Milk_X_Jaggery basically struggles with connection management i have a really good internet connection, but when I play on the website on chrome it just disconnects in mid game. the next second i open anything in youtube or something it opens immediatly and i watch 4k videos with out any lag nut this [removed -- MS] website is just out of control. I dont think this issue is that big in the app.

these people money these days everything is just comes with a money based plan.

fungameslife wrote: basically struggles with connection management i have a really good internet connection, but when I play on the website on chrome it just disconnects in mid game. the next second i open anything in youtube or something it opens immediatly and i watch 4k videos with out any lag nut this [removed -- MS] website is just out of control. I dont think this issue is that big in the app.

these people money these days everything is just comes with a money based plan.

There are a lot of variables that can impact your connection. Just because another site works doesn't mean there isn't an issue between you and the site.

There are some things you can do to minimize connection issues as well.


If other sites are working with my internet and is not. Then it is definitely conclusive that is terrible. Thankyou

fungameslife wrote:

If other sites are working with my internet and is not. Then it is definitely conclusive that is terrible. Thankyou

There are multiple pieces of equipment between you and the site, each of which contribute to the possibility of issues. The path your traffic takes to others sites only share part of that same path.

Assuming your flag matches your location, the traffic always travels halfway around the world and back. The site is working on a more distributed network of servers for games, with over half of all games played on that system, so once it rolls out to the vast majority, lag and connection issues should be better as players will connect to a server geographically closer to them (fewer connections between the client and server)


Wrong. My whole site is fiber based internet. As I sit here playing and get disconnected, every single piece of equipment is running just fine streaming movies, youtube, etc. Multiple connections, multiple people. Something else is going on.

Streaming is a different type of application to gaming - although does not have the same volume of data at any one point than say Fortnite or Call of Duty, it still needs to get there as soon as possible, and any delays or interruptions are immediately noticeable. The same is not true of streaming because you dont watch or listen as fast as your connection can download, so it’s able to get ahead of the game by buffering the data- if you do have an outage or interruption to your internet, you won’t notice it until you use up all of your buffer.