Can I give this post a kick? Thinking about an eboard (probably chessnut air plus). But main question. How do I keep track of the clock. Do I have to look on the screen of my small phone in normal play mode or is there a big 'only clock' screen u can use then?
UI clock mode for e-board
At the moment you have to look back at the screen at the small clocks that are on there.
The chessup 2 has a "clock mode" screen though so the clock mode exists only we have no way to access it from mobile or PC.
I suspect it's not a lot of work to reveal an option to enable a giant clock display on the play page.
Tnx for ur answer. So I understand we have to wait for an UI clock....
I got a look at the chessup2. Tnx for that. I'm dedicated on so seems great. Only thing I don't like are the extravagant LEDs. So then I have to go with the Chessnut Evo I guess.... I like the wooden boards much more but without clock UI they are a no go for me
I wasn't advertising the chessup 2, the point was there is already a UI element for giant clocks, they only need to let us access it. This isn't a large amount of work so if they approve of it it could happen really fast.
In the near future there will be at least 2 physical clocks to show time in online games (chessnut and zmfchess) so if you're willing to compromise for some time you may save some money and play with wooden pieces
No pun intended! Only saw chessup tnx to you and looks great, so tnx. Wel u kept me thinking now Evo or wait and wooden set....
Btw. How do u know the ui is already there?
when Eric's game starts you can see the clock UI. Even if it turns out didn't provide it it's still all web elements and can be cobbled together in a matter of minutes by any web dev. Add a few hours/days of testing and voila...
Haven't really found anything about this, but I'd like to see a "clock mode" for players who use electronic boards. What do I mean by that?
Simply a UI option to have the clock be the main element on the screen with the board just being smaller on the side, so it's easier to see at a glance what time I've left.
Maybe other physical board enjoyers would like the same feature?