I don't really think it's that bothersome... It takes like 2 seconds. I have time.
allow us to view and not just download PGN
Chessgames.com allows people to VIEW the PGN as an HTML file and not just give the option of downloading it. Downloading wastes Internet bandwidth and hard disk space. Give us the option of just viewing the pgn on the website and not just downloading it.
The bandwidth argument makes no sense -- in order to be able to view it in your browser, it has to be downloaded all the same. That's what browsers do, download web pages and show them to you. The only difference is in what the browser does with it, show it in its own window or ask you whether you want to save it.
I've setup Scid as my default .pgn viewer. I like it much better than just looking at the text. But you could just use Notepad or so...
Not to keep beating this dead horse, but "viewing" a pgn on chess.com is pretty much the same thing as "viewing the game notation (algebraic e4 e5 Nf3 etc. the last time I checked)" up and down using the scroll bar. As the earlier poster already mentioned, when you view something (text/pictures) in the wacky world of the intertubes, you are ALREADY downloading it.
Chessgames.com allows people to VIEW the PGN as an HTML file and not just give the option of downloading it. Downloading wastes Internet bandwidth and hard disk space. Give us the option of just viewing the pgn on the website and not just downloading it.