
And another vote game times out


This suggestion has been mentioned over and over and over and over again and STILL nothing gets done about it. The people on the site are screaming for something to be done to prevent vote games timing out such as a "my vote chess game" page so that we can see AT A GLANCE which vote games need attention before they time out. Having this feature would save so many games from timing out and make life a whole lot easier to the 1000s of players who enjoy vote chess on a regular basis.


You are right Donna, I get a message when there is a new move, mostly before all the others take a look there and make there comments and suggestions. 


I can either make my suggestion right away (as an 1100-rated player not the smartest option) and hope the others will make some comments that will be noticed by me... If I do not do this, the vote-game slippes out of sight.

SIGH :-(


I would really welcome this as well. Tracking helps only so far as this only clicks in when a comment is posted. I find it really hard to keep track of my vote chess games and having them all at a glance like my personal chess games would really help.




Fully agree with the post and all the comment.

We have a screen for our "normal" games and, like said, nothing for the Vote chess games so we need to go on each team, go in the vote chess section and then choose the games we play to see if we are in danger of timeout.

Since nobody post a comment in the vote chess game, you can very easily forget it and have a notification "XXX wins on time" CryFrown

You only recieve a notification when it's your turn (the Team's turn) but after nothing more .....

Will find great that we have a "Vote Chess" section like we have for online chess and Live chess.


with 20-50 players playing in our vote chess games, we have never timed out, plus I tend to watch our games pretty closely. I understand it can happen with teams who don't have so many playing, to send a message to the group leader or captain to take action so I therefore support this motion for the general vote chess population here... and it is apparent it is a common issue so therefore it should be addressed... I am all for progress for the benefit of the chess crowd here... hope staff will do something about it... I still haven't heard anything back from my 2 site suggestions.. :(



Indeed, in the vote chess games where the members plays together, discuss the moves, analyse, ... a timeout is almost impossible but there are teams where this "way of playing" doesn't exist and there you may have a timeout if nobody post a comment.


in the normal online chess games you receive (usually) a warning when you are at 8 hours left (e-mail + the game appears on the right with all your games where your opponent has moved) , why not the same with the vote chess games ??

Yes kloech I noticed that a couple of days ago when one of my online games was running out of time

I got it in my 2 games where it was 1day/move Frown

Lost 17 pts because of it Cry


good idea


I agree with all that is said before, and also said it in earlier threads.

For the time being you could use this link to have a overview of all YOUR votechess games. (forgot the name of the one who made this link Embarassed)

But is still not the best way, but you won't have to go to all your groups. Looking game by game is still needed.

Hope i helped a few


O yeah if you want to know how to get there without the link

Under play (on top menu line) choose vote chess
Then select in the fold out menu games i am playing
Now select on top the show group vs group games and press search.

Voila your there Laughing

Yes it shows all your vote chess games not just the active ones we want to be able to see at a glance how much time is left on a vote chess game not have to do what Corinna said earlier

Has anyone asked why it hasn't been done.  It could be that it's just to much code for them to input at the moment or some other problem.  Or they have other things that are at a higher piority to take care of first.  Point is, ask them and see what they say........... We already have a button on any vote chess game that will take us to every game we play to check on them....Why aren't you using it.

Schachgeek wrote:
knightspawn5 wrote:

Has anyone asked why it hasn't been done.  It could be that it's just to much code for them to input at the moment or some other problem.  Or they have other things that are at a higher piority to take care of first.  Point is, ask them and see what they say........... We already have a button on any vote chess game that will take us to every game we play to check on them....Why aren't you using it.

Where is this mysterious button?

The only notifications I get are when it's my (our) move in a vote chess game. If I look at the game right then, the notification goes away and next time I sign in I have no idea which vote games it is my (our) move in, without visiting every one of my groups and opening every vote game (including the ones I am not participating in).


Its called "ready next game", click on it while in any vote chess game and it will run you though every game you are in on any team.  Thats the button.  You get the alert and if you go to the game click on ready next game.  See what happens people.  You have the tools but dont seem to use them...I check all my vote chess games once a day.  Not that hard.

Does that go to the game with the least amount of time left?

no it doesn't. it goes rather randomly

blackfirestorm666 wrote:
Does that go to the game with the least amount of time left?

No, it's pretty random, and I have found it repeats games, and leaves out others, especially if you have a lot of games going.


No it will take you through evey game you are in on every team, you have to go though all of them to see where you need or dont need to make a move.   I'm in over 20 games and cycle through them all once a day to see which ones I need to make a move in.   Thats the way it works.  But better than complaining about something that may never get done by  It just something that you have to get use to doing like anything else.....  It's all we got at the moment