Wow, so responsive and quick!
Say, as long as we're at it, I'd like to be able to initiate seeks for players who respond to the King's Knight Gambit with the Bonch-Osmolovsky Defence more than 40% of the time, and be able to sort them by the players' average response times (excluding time for legal holidays in their registered countries, of course) for the portions of their games beyond the 10th move, and have the results of the seek displayed on a separate page I can access via telepathy . . . can you fellows get right on that?
Biiiiiig thanks to staff, Erik, Jay and Kohai (yes the Messenger deserves thanking too) for addressing and remeding the timing out and alerts for vote chess for us, and so quickly!
I hope you guys can also PLEASE respond to my 2 separate site suggestions, made almost a week ago re: conditional moves 'option' for vote chess and also creating our own custom made trophies... just haven't seen any comments made there by staff.
Assuming you saw it, but with no word there, can't be sure.
Merci, Babs :)