
And another vote game times out


I just checked it with IE8 and I get the same as with Firefox - I never see the green "voted" status that I keep hearing about.


did you walk backwards?


In Northern Ireland elections there were allegations of impersonation and people suing ohter people's identities to vote more than once.  The phrase coined was "Vote early, vote often". It seems Links may be able to vote often...


The phrase "vote early, vote often" has been attributed to Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago as early as the 1930's, and later to Al Capone and Mayor Richard Daley also of Chicago.  How far back does it go in Ireland?

Incidentally, I am seeing "Already Voted" again now with no cache clearing or refreshes.  Has Jay fixed the problem?


Fixed everyone! Sorry, when I was testing the feature, I only updated one of our 7 web servers, so if you were lucky and hit that server, you saw the new feature, if not, you didnt see it. I've now updated ALL the servers. Should be all good to go now. :)


Thanks!  Great work, Jay. Smile  It's really great having this feature up and running.


Interesignly, all my group news and alerts almost doubled because of people telling this news!

Incredible :-) i'm still in awe at this thank you guys so much

as Fred Flintstone would say "Ya ba da ba doooooooo"

top stuff.. thanks Jay!


Getting beter all the time : ) Thanx


Yet another bug it seems:

I have a game where my opponents offered a draw. I haven't voted yet, but I rejected the offer. Now it says I have voted.


Don't you have to vote for a move before you refuse a draw?


No. The reject offer button is always there.


I realize that the button is there, but can you still vote after you have rejected the draw?  I thought you had to vote first, and then offer or reject a draw later.


I still have the "submit move" button, so I guess I can vote.

jay wrote:

Fixed everyone! Sorry, when I was testing the feature, I only updated one of our 7 web servers, so if you were lucky and hit that server, you saw the new feature, if not, you didnt see it. I've now updated ALL the servers. Should be all good to go now. :)

 Yes.  Everything is working now!!!  I can't tell you how happy I am about this!!!!  Laughing  Thank you SOOOO much!!!!


Likewise, forget the link on the first page of this thread Wink

I am realy happy to see it's there now.


Yeah, unfortunately if you vote for a draw, it's going to count as having at least "voted" already in that game. Hope you can live with it. :)


Those little banana dudes are pretty well choreographed!  They must have lots of practice.  Of course, it looks like they don't take many breaks . . .

--Cystem Cool

Cystem_Phailure wrote:

Those little banana dudes are pretty well choreographed!  They must have lots of practice.  Of course, it looks like they don't take many breaks . . .


At first I thought that they must eventually cramp up, but I guess with all of that potassium....