
Automatic move if only one available


I did a quick search for this and didn't find it. I await to be proved wrong...

If you move and your opponent only has one possible move available, why not just make it automatically? It could speed up some end-games.

xml wrote:

I did a quick search for this and didn't find it. I await to be proved wrong...

If you move and your opponent only has one possible move available, why not just make it automatically? It could speed up some end-games.

It would be providing material assistance; if someone could not spot that they could make a move, they might resign.

Discussed here have-the-option-to-allow-forced-moves-to-happen-automatically and here conditional-moves).


You're already told if it's check mate. Isn't that the same? I haven't been in stalemate on here, so I'm not sure if it's automatically flagged.

xml wrote: You're already told if it's check mate. Isn't that the same? I haven't been in stalemate on here, so I'm not sure if it's automatically flagged.

Not at all. One side may have a 'forced mate' available - but they still have to find it.


I'll tell you why, because even if I see that there is only one response on the board, I may not know what I want to do after that move. It buys you one more extension on the time control.


I was only meaning online chess, not live chess of course.

DrSpudnik wrote:

I'll tell you why, because even if I see that there is only one response on the board, I may not know what I want to do after that move. It buys you one more extension on the time control.

Ok, I can see that line of reason. Maybe it could be made an option...




Ok, I've thought of a solution to this, but I doubt it will be implemented...

If your opponent only has one move available, then it's automatically made on your board and you can continue, your opponent's board still has the position pre-automatic move :) Think of it as an automated conditional move.

xml wrote:

Ok, I've thought of a solution to this, but I doubt it will be implemented...

If your opponent only has one move available, then it's automatically made on your board and you can continue, your opponent's board still has the position pre-automatic move :) Think of it as an automated conditional move.

"Our problems are mostly behind us. Now we have to fight the solutions."


Knew you'd like it :)


xml, I don't see the difference between that and regular conditional moves except that your time starts running immediately. That seems to make it worse for you, not better.


No, your time wouldn't start running until your opponent made his move. It would just save you opening up the analysis board or the conditional move screen.

Ok, on a list of priorities, I can imagine it's going to be somewhere near the bottom...


OK think of this.  You're playing a game and you see that your opponent only has one reply to your next move.  You make your move and wait for the automatic response.  But it doesnt come.  Only at this point do you realise that there is another move available and start analysing it.

Under the current conditional move rule, you might well just plug in your perceived mating sequence and leave it at that, only to come back in a week to the shock of losing on time.


When you go into analysis mode, you do get notified of checks and mates which doesn't seem much different to this automatic detection mode to me. I've gone into analysis mode and thought, ok that's check mate but no #. Oops, what did I miss?

Anyway, it was just a thought, I'm happy with "no" as an answer.

xml wrote:

When you go into analysis mode, you do get notified of checks and mates which doesn't seem much different to this automatic detection mode to me. I've gone into analysis mode and thought, ok that's check mate but no #. Oops, what did I miss?

Anyway, it was just a thought, I'm happy with "no" as an answer.

Erik may say "Yes". It doesn't much matter what anyone else says!


Xml,it is really a good idea. I would demand it if not for the time control issue as others have said. Otherwise, I love the idea of ANYTHING that speeds games up a little bit.

artfizz wrote:
xml wrote:

I did a quick search for this and didn't find it. I await to be proved wrong...

If you move and your opponent only has one possible move available, why not just make it automatically? It could speed up some end-games.

It would be providing material assistance; if someone could not spot that they could make a move, they might resign.

Discussed here have-the-option-to-allow-forced-moves-to-happen-automatically and here conditional-moves).


*just a mini bump for those links I guess*

To many automated moves'll take away from the feel of playing actual people...bad enough we're already playing each other through screens and keyboards :p

But if it was added, then it should be safe to assume that would make it optional
And even more so that the default for it would be disabled lol