


Why can not have the blogs in the usual way? All posts by some person in a single topic. Much easier to follow.


As you know, members can have individual BLOGS.

All of the forum posts that a member has STARTED are listed on their homepage.

You are correct: there is currently no mechanism for finding all of the posts made by an individual member - either within a SINGLE topic - or across ALL topics they have posted in. Part of the difficulty is that no method for referencing individual posts - only pages of posts. (See also: ability-to-hyperlink-to-individual-posts and forum-posting-nice-to-have-features)

artfizz wrote:

As you know, members can have individual BLOGS.

All of the forum posts that a member has STARTED are listed on their homepage.

You are correct: there is currently no mechanism for finding all of the posts made by an individual member - either within a SINGLE topic - or across ALL topics they have posted in. Part of the difficulty is that no method for referencing individual posts - only pages of posts. (See also: ability-to-hyperlink-to-individual-posts and forum-posting-nice-to-have-features)

Artfizz, I'm not sure but you may have misunderstood the OP's question. I think Kallatroh means something along the lines of this:

My blog has X entries. But I can never view all X entries on one single page, like I do on other blog formats. When someone clicks on my blog, they only see a list of the titles of my entries and the first few sentences of all.

I think the answer would be in that a lot of blogs contain games and diagrams and those are Java codes, which take a few seconds each to load. Considering we have here people with lots of blog entries containing lots x2~3 of games, those blog pages would load very slowly.