
Conditional Moves in Vote Chess


I don't know if this has been suggested before, but is there any reason why the conditional moves feature cannot be added to vote chess games?

Some games sometimes take months and months to complete and this would help cut the length down considerably.

I wouldn't want to see conditional moves in speed games though... that 10 minutes leverage time is needed to exhale again.

But for 1 day, 2 day and 3 day move games it would be very much welcomed.


How would you coordinate the setup of conditional moves amongst the voters?  At an initial glance it seems like a bit of an ill fit for the format.

I agree yes especially as sometimes a move is forced and you end up having to wait for days

I think better than conditional moves would be the ability to declare a move decided when a certain threshold of consensus is met prior to the deadline.  Something as simple as comitting the move as soon as the difference between the first and second choice is greater than the number of players left to vote would probably help in many cases.

I just don't see a way to design a good mechanism for setting conditional moves up within the vote-chess format.

TheGrobe wrote:

How would you coordinate the setup of conditional moves amongst the voters?  At an initial glance it seems like a bit of an ill fit for the format.

No differently to how we co-ordinate moves now amongst OUR voters... we discuss, form a consensus, and then wave a sign to show the team voting time is reached and announce what the move agreed upon by the majority of our top rated players is.... then all will vote....

Granted, a few will vote beforehand... but out of the 22 games we have played, averaging 30-40 moves... NEVER has a co-ordinated called move NOT been passed through....


Yes Donna, so many moves are predictable, and not just book opening moves...


Neglected to mention we have won 19 of those 22 games, drawn 1, lost 2 only... so co-ordinating the conditional moves would not be a problem for us... How the tech gurus would implement it, write that in, is another matter.... but I am sure they are smart enough to :p

Where there is a will, there is a way :)


Some of these games are like watching grass grow.... it takes forever to see real movement... adding conditional moves would be like turning up the sun and opening up the rain clouds at the same time... the lawnmower would never gather dust..


I think it's been suggested a lot of times...


Well then that is a very good reason in itself to try and bring it in.... I ain't alone here with this request..


how did they not agree about it?

it's no different to everyone voting now what they want... if you don't want the conditional  move you don't vote for it, simple...

If you agree with the consensus you vote for it... simple....

Not everyone votes the consensus move btw... they just can't be forced to, unfortunately :p


I see problems with this....

In vote chess at 3 days per move, the team knows they need to make a move eery 6 days. If a conditional move kicks in, you now have to make 2 moves in 6 days. People have schedules, and in many vote chess games the game is driven by one strong player, it's a really good way for weaker players to learn. If this guy is not available, then the game might fall apart.

The difference between this and turn based is that the team can't buy protection with vacation.


If a team can't cope with 2 moves in 6 days, then, well........


Forced would be if I got a gun and put it to your head Bou Bou and said move g6 NOW or I shoot!


And I think you are smart enough to realise that just ain't physically possible online :p


Now, if you were my neighbour :p


rooperi wrote:
the game is driven by one strong player

I don't like that. Vote chess should be team work.


yes, big hamdillah for you...

Kacparov wrote:
rooperi wrote:
the game is driven by one strong player

I don't like that. Vote chess should be team work.

Vote chess is a great training tool too, I think. You get access to the though processes of strong players in a game situation?


The problem is that there are so many disparate usage patterns for vote chess -- from having one strong player lead the charge to concensus driven voting to free-for all voting.  How do you design something like this so that it works for all vote chess teams regardless of their usage patterns?

This is why I suggest an early commitment of the leading move when certain conditions are met instead of actually tackling the incredibly difficult task implementing conditional moves for vote chess games.  With this you could effectively emulate conditional moves yourselves by agreeing amongts your team ahead of time that "If our opponent makes move a, we all immediately vote for move b" and it would be comitted as soon as the threshold was met giving you the desired benefit of accelerating your games.