???? What sir are you talking about? I thought this was about forums? RHP has the best forums bar none of any chess site however you might hate them!
I said had, not has. You are free to disagree, but mind your manners. Your presumption is both ill mannered and false. I wouldn't have over 500 pages of posts in forums I hate. Would you? The most interesting chess topic there in the past two days was deleted in the past hour.
Now, if you want to discuss religion and politics, that other site offers something. But why would you value discussing such matters mostly with fourteen year old chess players? The web is full of places for intelligent, informed discussion of politics, and perhaps religion too. A chess site should have good chess forums. Here at chess.com, and no where else, there is a steady stream of articles by titled players with discussion from site members, as well as forums on scholastic chess, live chess, openings, game analysis, and general chess topics (my list is not exhaustive).
GK is so far beneath contempt that your comparison of the forums here to those deserves a ban from this site. This site has a group for refugees from there, and appears to be attracting many from other sites too.
Ooooh, what's Odd Man Out?
This might be it: