I believe some sort of improvement to annotation is on the "wish list" along with a lot of other great ideas.
In-game annotation planned?
Well, ideally, you would be able to annotate your game as it was going along, so say after you made your move of 3. d4, you could open the same game up in another window, and type in annotations after that move. Then that would be remembered in the final PGN of the game, so you could always go back and see what you were thinking rather than trying to type it all out after the game. There is another chess site that does this quite well, so hopefully it wouldn't be impossible here?
However, I must add that the annotation capability here is much stronger (can put in alternate moves, etc.), so that is nice to have as well.
Hey - was just wondering if there was any in-game annotation planned for chess.com. That is about the only thing it is lacking. Didn't know if anyone had any feedback on that, one way or another.
Anybody heard anything about this? Thanks in advance!