
live chess; limited time per move


hello, my suggestion is that there should be a configurable limited time per move on live chess because some players abuse from the time limit while playing long games (when they are losing, they stay away from keyboard and wait until u get bored and leave the game, etc), so this would prevent that from happening.

what do u think about it?

pd: I'm sorry, i know that my english is not the best but it's still understandable.

I think that you are.......RGHT because that is ELLACTLY what they do and i just dnt get y they do that if they dnt wnt to play y dnt the just get off the internet and just play something else because i just dnt make any scene when they do that it is very retarded fot the to do that bye i hav to take a shower"

So, to clarify, is the suggestion that, in addition to the settings already existing, there could be an optional max time per move players could enter numbers for- or would this be an automatic thing, where games of specific lengths would have corresponding time per move limits built in?

One problem I can foresee, if it were the former of the two, is that some players could agree to one of these games without realizing it and end up falling into a game with longer time controls that proceeds at the pace of a bullet chess game (or just faster than desired), making it trivial.

Also, how would the player be penalized if they go over the limit on a move?  Straight loss?  Loss of a big chunk their total time?

The other suggestion I remember offered for this problem was a stat similar to the timeout percentage in e-chess.  Open question: if a new feature were added, which is most feasible- one of these two or something different?  What potential problems could be introduced as byproducts as well?  Or on the other hand, should players who are bothered by this just avoid playing long games? (I realize this topic has come up before, but for how often it does come up, the discussion is spread out.  maybe an official discussion topic should be made)

mirage wrote:

So, to clarify, is the suggestion that, in addition to the settings already existing, there could be an optional max time per move players could enter numbers for- or would this be an automatic thing, where games of specific lengths would have corresponding time per move limits built in?

One problem I can foresee, if it were the former of the two, is that some players could agree to one of these games without realizing it and end up falling into a game with longer time controls that proceeds at the pace of a bullet chess game (or just faster than desired), making it trivial.

Also, how would the player be penalized if they go over the limit on a move?  Straight loss?  Loss of a big chunk their total time?

The other suggestion I remember offered for this problem was a stat similar to the timeout percentage in e-chess.  Open question: if a new feature were added, which is most feasible- one of these two or something different?  What potential problems could be introduced as byproducts as well?  Or on the other hand, should players who are bothered by this just avoid playing long games? (I realize this topic has come up before, but for how often it does come up, the discussion is spread out.  maybe an official discussion topic should be made)

We could get an "abort" button if your oponent doesnt move in a % of the total game time and the winner will be determined by the following points;

a) the one who has captured more pieces

b)who has a strategic advantage (I'm not sure if this could be automatically recognized without causing a huge lag but still)

Time percentages:

90-120 minutes = 15% (about 15-18 min, which is more than enough to play)

60-89 min = 20% (about 12-15 min)

40-59 min = 30% (12-15+ min)

20-39 min = 50% (10-17 min)

these time could be modifiable but this is an example, shorter games should not have a time limit per move. 

 This way it couldn't be abused i hope ; we wouldn't click on the button if we are losing but if he is clearly triying to leave you playing alone 'cause he's losing, we would click on it.

Some people likes to play without caring about the time, that's why i made this post

pd: same than before, sorry for my english but it is understandable


You could make the time limit per move an optional extra parameter (similar to the Fischer bonus). E.g.

30/0/0 would be 30 minutes for all moves (would be 30/0 currently)

30/10/0 would be 30 minutes plus a 10 second Fischer bonus per move (30/10 currently)

30/10/5 would be 30 minutes plus a 10 second Fischer bonus BUT a maximum of 5 minutes for any given move.

Each challenge would show the time control so you could avoid the max-per-move games if you wanted (the filter could take care of that).

mmontalvo wrote:

This is just a bad idea. If playing a 60 minute game then if I want to use 30 minutes on a single calculation that should not be discouraged. Yes, I am aware of possible "abuse" but this should not force other players into having to accept some arbitrary time per move. If you have an issue with players doing this make a list and just do not play them. Do not try to hinder other players.

no one would be forced to use this feature so if you play with a trustable player you could just disable it