I agree. I understand ads are important but please refrain from inciting heart attacks upon your precious community, chess.com staff.
Loud ads
If you click on the speaker icon of the AXE ads, it turns off the sound and it remains off even if you logout and log back on again.
On the other hand, yeah, it either blows my eardrums or wakes up my boyfriend.
sorry that you are bothered by those ads. ads are a necessary part of the free experience on chess.com. luckily, as you know, for the cost of a dinner and a movie, you can remove ads permanently for a full year.
unfortunately the axe ads are going to continue for a little while on chess.com. we try to limit the amount of intrusive ads, but the axe ads are paying the bills right now. i've said it before, but running a website with millions of users takes a lot of money, and we're doing the best we can to stay afloat.
i know that isn't a satisfactory answer for some of you, and i'm sorry about that. one day we'll all live in a perfect world where all goods and services are free and our nobody has to work hard or be annoyed. (or maybe we will continue to live in a world where things cost money and we have 8 minutes of ads for every 22 minutes of real TV, loud ads on webpages, ads on the sides of buses, billboards, and just about everything else....)
I agree with what u say erik. If u don't want the annoying ads, get a membership, its that simple, otherwise suck it up and quit whining.. plus, maybe u shouldnt have ur speakers that loud if the ad is too loud for u, theres a thing called turning down the volume on ur computer, look into it.
A business is a business, u gotta do what u gotta do to make that money! so quit whining free users. nuff said.
I don't usually mind ads, but those Axe ads are the most annoying I've seen on any website. At least the 200 decibel WalMart ads only last a few seconds. I've pretty much developed a reflex to automatically move my cursor to the upper right with every page to kill the Axe ad. It must be bad for the dial-up users who have that 3+ minute video trying to get down their phone line every single time they load or refresh a page.
I understand the need to pay the bills. I'm very grateful to be able to use this wonderful site for free and you guys do a wonderful job of providing excellent content. However, I am concerned about the content within the ads.
Sex sells and all of that stuff sure, but the profanity was rather shocking to hear. It appears that the language stepped outside of the bounds of what is acceptable for regular commercials. Of course, this is advertising on the internet, not television. But if your audience extends to more than just adults than you should consider what type of content is being displayed on your pages. Just a thought to consider that you might want to approach Axe about.
Just my 2 cents, take it or leave it as you will.
Chess.com, please stop having advertisements that play with audio automatically, the audio is very very loud. I still had my headphones in from listening to music and then an Axe ad screamed into my headphones out of nowhere. I go to this site to play chess, not to get scared