
Re-do failed puzzles later



I want to learn from my mistakes. Wouldn't it be great if there was an option which allowed you to re-do you're failed tactics in a sequence?

And what about dividing tactics into genres? I'm always having trouble with defensive tactics so it would mean a lot if I could practice those separately.





My suggestion for learning from your mistakes would be not to redo a tactics problem you failed (with the clock running and your rating changing), but to take the position from that tactics (you will find it in your list of recent problems) and thoroughly analyze it.

Try to thoroughly analyze it first purely in your head, without the time pressure of the clock, then , maybe, if necessary, by using an analysis board to have a look at some longer variations.


I would not recommend to just normally redo tactics problems that you have tried before. Because tactics is much less about remembering exactly what the solution was in a certain position, and much more about being able to figure out and calculate things in a new position, (of course often with the help of chunks and motives you already have seen before).


I also would not really recommend doing tactics "by category" so much. Because, for example, the main difficulty in solving a tactics problem that is about defending may often be to notice and realize that it is necessary to defend instead of being able to win with an attack.