
Recategorise Old Suggestions


Could some existing topics be transferred into the new Site Feedback & Suggestions category? 

This would save reinventing the wheel, and keep all the useful ideas together in one easily referenceable place.

e.g. active-players (which is currently in the Community category).

paul211 wrote:

Where is the "Site Feedback & Suggestions" forumlocated?

I have seen it a few days ago but cannot remember the link.


paul211 wrote:


Naturally the older posts or forums from on new items should be accessible via either a drop down menu or via a search or possibly a chronological search.


The Most Recent Posts list on the Forum page contains about 10 items. It shows the posts which have been most recently updated. (Off-Topic posts are not featured). Since new posts are arriving at a rate of several per minute (depending on time of day) , a post may be visible for only  about 2 minutes.

It is possible to list the posts in creation order, by using a trick: leave the forum search box empty - and click on search. A list of all the posts ever written are now displayed, 10 to a page. They can be sorted by Most recent or # of posts. However, most recent in relation to this full list means: most recently created- not most recently updated.

REF: stop-looking-and-start-finding-tips-for-searching-the-forums

paul211 wrote:

... new features or implementations, it does get very frustrating to hardly ever know about the new things from ...

MEMBERS-> Search Members -> Erik

Scroll down to view Erik's content

and you'll find site announcements, which you can list in various sequences.


paul211 wrote:

Again confusion from my part, at best esoteric if not enigmatic when Erik says:

We've been tracking suggestions here:

Now it's time to give each suggestion it's own thread :)


And where are the dedicated threads, no links, no forums specified!!?

And the forum topics has been locked, what a way to get on line and participate to new forums by Not a single link as to where to go to participate in the new forums about.. may I say dot com??

You're already here:


In an ideal world, this post by Erik...


new forum for suggestions!

would have been the final post in Wishlist 6. Unfortunately, several people posted after him - before that thread was locked. However, if you look at the final posts, you see that members were slowly getting the idea that suggestions were moving to another arena.


paul211 wrote: ... new features or implementations, it does get very frustrating to hardly ever know about the new things from .

artfizz wrote: MEMBERS-> Search Members -> Erik

                             Scroll down to view Erik's content

                             and you'll find site announcements, which you can list in various sequences.

paul211 wrote: Thank you it works.

1. And again what a painful excercise to type the name correctly in the search window as I often type Erick as you know by now.

An easier way would be to always have in this search member page, Erik listed as no 1, so one has to only click on his name to view his posts.

Or, you could learn to spell Erik's name correctly. I guess everyone has their own way of searching the site: what seems the best method to one person may not be the most obvious to others.

2. In several forums he does this, listing his posts first even if the forum he started was started months ago.

Certain individual topics are PINNED so that they always appear at the top of the list. If EVERY new announcement was pinned, there would potentially be several pages of pinned threads.

3. Additionally he should add a title after his name such as : site owner or news or developments or implementations.

He does have a STAFF icon next to name.

4. Yet the alternative I suggested to have on the home page a dedicated column or write up called: new features at or novelties implemented and coming up at or news recent and past would be a nice addition as it would simplify the search for all especially newcomers.

A good idea - and one that Erik is no doubt considering.

5. Likely he may want to add as an open window on this page a drop down menu for an editorial to post his views on different topics, whether it be up coming chess tournaments or results of tournaments or an opinion about different topics related to chess.

You are in the realm of implementation details. I imagine that Erik and the team will have their own views about HOW to do things - though they seem to welcome suggestions about possible WHAT-to-do's.

Artfizz said: "He does have a STAFF icon next to name."
paul211 wrote: Yes he does but for newcomers, how do they know? My approach suggests a transparent, clear method that identifies the owner unequivocally or unmistakably, without having to resort to tricks such as the bunny hat appearance if you you what is right, without any guidance.  

Is it strictly necessary for a newcomer to know that the head honcho is called Erik? Newcomers need to know how the controls work - and what the rules of the site and the game are.

Erik maintains a lower profile that you think is warranted but that's his choice. It's fair game to suggest changes to the user interface and dream up new features - but proposing that Erik run the site in a different way ... I can't see the point of that.